Yeah well she gave up herself to save Terra which means she is a being of pure light. But still I get what you mean.
Banned because I can not stop being Oda just like you can't stop being Aquatic!
Decyph? I don't know if I can remember that so do you mind if I call you Cypher instead?
You make a good point but in my opinion the darkest story was that of Terra's because he actually killed someone.
Banned because I am ODA! Oblivious to the hate Dedicated to my friends Accepted as who I am!
What shall I call you?
I still don't understand why you call your darkness Aqua since she was a hero.
You seem to like everything. Anyway I'm Odamadillo but you can call me Oda.
Banned because the best place to be is a post count null area.
I have always known there are people out there better than me just like there are some better than you. We accept what we know that is all we can do.
Banned because why wouldn't we make many pages because isn't that what happens in thread that are popular?
Nas I am glad you stand by what you believe but be careful mate because if you go at the wrong guy you could end up banned.
Banned because you are right about my idea.
I don't mind you tearing Keyblade Spirit a new one since I don't know that guy but take it easy on HoT he is alright in my book.
Banned for not realizing I meant continuing to make these chat posts we are doing.
The question doesn't really matter Nas and Star left last month so you are not responsible but I think HoT had a part in it.
Banned because indeed they will so shall we continue on?
Star has left this place and I intend on saving the thread once I get my question answered.
Yeah I know I set you off but I had to step in because Star was one of my students and I couldn't abandon him to face your wrath so I took it on...
Nas I recall the only reason I got so mad was because you said I had no talent but a few days later I realized I wasn't displaying any.