Banned because I am Oda!
I noticed most were fro games and until I have played those games I won't hear the music.
Nope since i don't know any of the songs you picked.
I was on the exact moment he made this thread and that very second a staff member came online.
Banned because we are not really giving good reasons for the ban.
No staff is here but the stalkers are so this will be one wild party!
Fair enough well how about we move this convo to Pm?
No reply?Haha I guess that topic died.
Banned because this is losing what sanity it has left.
Banned for not accepting my awesomeness!
Banned because I can always come up with something.
Banned because I know that. But I have been a member since 2008 and I am no where near that amount.
I love that advert! And I agree best ad ever!
Banned because I would use the title "the Forum Therapist" if I could choose my own.
Banned because you decided to follow me.
Get some sleep then.
I never really noticed your avatar change until a second ago. I guess that is just because I have been busy. But how are you today?
So I guess our little SAO game is over now?
Banned because I just said it because I could so whatever Mr Nasirrich.
Yeah oh and tell me one thing do you like this?