The Premise: NASA launched a prototype space telescope way back in the 60s and its orbit is bringing it back around near Earth pretty soon. Because it's so old and only a prototype, NASA has junked the equipment needed to communicate with it, but the plans and specs for it have been declassified. Knowing all of this, a small group of particularly nerdy guys and gals has decided to go ahead rebuild all of the equipment and send it on another mission. Go.
It was a question meant for me. You answered it. Ergo, you were speaking for me.
Why do you even exist?
To whom is the pronoun "you" referring here?
Yes, it is. It was my question to answer, not yours. Don't go speaking on other people's behalf unless you have their explicit permission to do so.
Space Jam
No, it's rude to answer a question that's meant for someone other than you.
Yep, that's me. Rude.
Amauries don't have filters.
No, her mom is financially responsible.
Why don't you just go on the Denmark server?
In the same vein, Evil Dead: The Musical
I can see why you might think Nickelodeon is still good, but how can you look at a network like TNT and think, "Yep, that programming is certainly the pinnacle of its genre?" TNT and every network like it is trash TV at its worst.
Going bad Gone bad Gone bad Trash Trash Trash
Tifa is 20, Cloud 21, Aerith is 22, Vincent is 27, Cid is 32, Barret is 35, and Nanaki is 48. The only teen in FFVII's main cast is Yuffie, at 16.
I was too busy watching the premiere to post about it.
I thought they were just a bunch of thieves.
That's the opposite of what anthropomorphic means.