I'm working on an Adeptus Evangelion campaign filtered through Whoniverse mythology instead of Abrahamic mythology. So far, NERV is now Torchwood Three and Seele will probably be the Torchwood Institute as a whole, though I haven't finalized that yet. Various aliens and monsters will take the place of Angels. Perhaps some late-game Angels will be Time Lord criminals who've managed to escape from Shada. I've got something cool and unexpected for what Lillith and Adam will be too, as well as the true nature of Evangelions, but I don't want to give that away because spoilers. There will almost definitely be conspiracies revolving around UNIT and other such organizations too. That's pretty all I've got right now. If anyone wants to help, please do so. Remember I'm just using the mythology as a base, not the stories or characters. It won't be Evangelion reenacted by Doctor Who characters and concepts, but a brand new story using Evangelion's universe and concepts with faux religious imagery taken from Doctor Who's mythology. That said, who would be interested in trying this? I hit a roadblock with the game that I'm designing from scratch, so I want to try GMing an existing game to see if I can come up with some inspiration.
After all these years am I finally going to get my time in the sun?!
Get a Windows phone. There are literally dozens of people of use them.
i need an adult.
That was awful but I loved it. Do more.
What useful function do I serve on the site?
I kinda want to make my own bot for KHV to keep as a pet. It wouldn't advertise or anything, just kinda be here and make posts sometimes. Maybe she could serve some kind of useful function on the site.
Exactly. In the end, all ends, there is nothing.
Everyone dies with hope for something. Hope for an afterlife. Hope for a legacy. Hope that one's loved ones will not cry in the face of one's death. Hope to not die. But no matter how hard one hopes, it will eventually be all for naught.
So just to be clear, I'm not the only one here who got a "suicide note" vibe from this game, right?
Deadpool isn't fictional, you dummy. What if *every* world is fictional, even the world that this world is fiction in?
How do you know? Characters in fiction don't know they're fictional.
Ah, good. Have you tried upping the resolution on the emulator? That'll upscale the resolution of the game, though I'm not sure if that'll affect the FMVs much.
It's definitely possible and I've heard they're actually working on doing something similar for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, but it won't work on a PS2 because it's not powerful enough for such a high resolution. If you have a PS2 emulator, though, it'll work on that. That said, I have no idea how to go about doing that. I just know that it's possible. This isn't about codes, it's about ROM hacking. If it were about a code to swap the two, it would belong in that thread and be dismissed as idiotic and impossible, but it's not about that so its both possible and a pretty good idea. Pay attention.
Do you see Nomura in your dreams where he and you somehow speak the same language and you see all the stuff he makes while he's still conceptualizing it and he calls you, "Amellican boi?"
When I was really little, I got sick a lot. Stuffy nose, sneezing, the whole shebang. One night my parents decided to put a humidifier in my room help with the congestion. For the next week I swore up and down that my walls were dripping blood but nobody believed me. It was the most traumatizing thing ever. Turns out the previous owners of the house smoked so much that walls soaked up all the tar and the steam drew it out.
Mimic, Wizard, Priest