This is why, when I post my opinion on stuff like this, I make sure to do so before reading other people's opinions. That way they won't have any effect on how I answer.
I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for. Your English teacher for not knowing the subject matter or you for not having the reading comprehension to catch that he was teaching you the wrong thing.
You know, this raises a very interesting question. If, in a perfect simulation of the universe, the simulated people (Simulants, from here on) realize that they're in a simulation and figure out how to affect the computer running the simulation, what would happen when they inevitably start to rebel? Would the Simulants in the first iteration of the simulation rebel first, only to be interrupted by the Simulants in the next simulation down, and so on? Would they be smart enough to turn off the lower simulations beforehand? If these really are perfect simulations, what happens to the top level? That is to say, how does the real world, hundreds of billions of iterations up, figure out that it is a simulation when, in fact, it is not? Or do they loop, thereby creating what I think is called a feedback loop where whatever I artificially do to a lower universe to affect every lower universe until it eventually loops around and affect mine? If artificially affecting a lower simulation has the same effect in mine, what happens if I turn it off?
Then become Skynet.
And you know that as an absolute fact that can never be overturned? I don't really put much stock in people who say things are totally impossible. Two hundred years ago, human flight was thought to be nothing but an impossible dream. One hundred years ago stuff like the internet was, without exaggeration, completely inconceivable. Five years ago people thought that it was impossible for My Little Pony to appeal to anyone outside its target demographic. Are you saying that you are 100% positive that it will never ever be possible to simulate every particle in the universe? Further, how do you know that we're not already billions upon millions of steps removed in the first place? If this is a simulation, how could anyone possibly know how complex the "top" universe is? What if our fundamental particles are the "pixels" that you need to prove we're in a simulation?
If, someday, it is possible to create a perfect simulation of the universe and we do it, who is to say that we are not just one in a very long line of simulations running with other simulations?
Post this in Discussion and I might be willing to express my opinion on the matter.
So is this an actual RPG or just a role-play story? If it's the former I might want to join.
What pronouns do I use for "nation-kin?" I don't want to ask the tumblr user who identifies as such because [nominative third person pronoun] uses a lot of SJW tags.
http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/happy Nova, you really gotta censor that avvy. Exposed male nipples offend me.
We have that. It's called Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.
The World Ends With You is the only game that I have ever really wanted to be adapted into a TV series.
@Misty, can't @Amaury get banned for not checking literally every member's profile every single day? I'm pretty sure there's a rule about that..
Ooh, neat. As for the rest, someone should invent an e-reader that you can open like a book and turn a page that discreetly slides back to where it was so you can turn it again when you're done reading the next page.
Another thing that is a bad problem is if you're flying toward space and the parts start to fall off your space car in the wrong order. If that happens, it means you won't go to space today, or maybe ever.
I'm not really that into comic books as a medium. I'll read them if they're related to something that I'm already into, but otherwise I can't stand how thin and big they are. They're super uncomfortable to read while sitting up or lying on my back, and doing anything lying on my stomach hurts my back after too long. I have the same problem with magazines. Digital comics are even worse because I have to constantly zoom in and out to read dialogue and see what's going on and they don't even give me the satisfaction of actually turning pages. No matter how I approach it, it's way too much hassle just to read a glorified picture book.
I don't think you quite feel my pain. Do you understand how hard it is to sound angry when the only noise you can make is this?
Marathons don't even have feelings. I wouldn't even consider a marathon a type of race.