I'm amazed how his blood doesn't rush to his head. I woulda passed out by now o.O. But yah, he's one of my fav's in org. XIII....Besides Roxas nad Marluxia lol.
Remind me, didn't you have to have like 300 posts to have a name change? I forget.
Killing yourself is NOT an answer. I'll be honest I considered it once. But decided not to. Imagine all the people you would be affecting. You wouldn't have a chance to graduate from high school, go to college, raise a family, etc. Why cutyour life short, it's only going to make things worse. You think that it's bad now, Ha! There's is AT LEAST one person who is going to be miserable without you. I will gurantee that. It's so selfish to kill yourself, like I said before, It's only going to make people miserable. You have a LOT to live for. Friends, family, even yourslef. So don't say your tired of living, I know, I had to help a friend of mine considering killing themself. I talked to him and he eventually got over it. He's happier than ever. But... If you realy deicide it's the only thing left to do... Then you just stripped yourself of a life.
hey whats up?
nm either, just chillen with friends, listenin to music, deviantart, IM'ing...etc. lol xD
Sadly, I do not xD. But you can check the vid info and see.
rofl! ur pic OWNZZZZ!!! lol. so whats up? :D
DUH!! It's totally Zoey 101! just kidding, Camp Rock!
The Repliku card...I needed to cast Curaga a lot, so I used the Repliku card. (allows you to stock 5 sets lol)
That's awesome. I'm gunna try dowloading the demo, like the info on the vid said... At least I hope it did. lol (If I had a psp of course)
wtf? I don't like this game anymore. lol Then I started playing, and then it picked up.
kh1: Chernabog on expert :/ kh2: Demyx >.<
hola! hows it goin?
Fake, no doubt about it.
sooooooooooo....how goes it bud?
lol. watch out for those haterz :P
lol kool xD
LMAO! That'd feel great to rub it in their faces eh?
No. End of story.
so ur gunna go to the release party? jw lol