Skin colors? Idk ifthis has been posted previously, it might have. How about different skin colors? Or is that too much to ask? blue and white kinda gets old tho lol.
I hate them....Sheesh so annoying, my mom HAPPENED to be there when I found a past with someone posting a pic of...Yeah lol
That stuff is scary. I would probably have an anxiety attack if that happened at my school.
a lot....i mean... A LOT! lol. Not much anymore since I beat it like 6 times.
kkewl, i was just outside... had to take care of some stuff :P
listenin to music, doing my homework, nothing special lol. u??
I don't think so, how could they be? I just don't see how they could.
hmmm....i didnt really dislike ahny of them...maybe X-2...
I have a feeling it'll be Xehanort. We could be wrong tho =P
Well seeing as how the Twilight Town Roxas was placed in was a replica of the real Twilight Town made my Diz. But Pence did mention that he's seen him before, maybe from CoM perhaps was my guess.
.....No....Don't even suggest that. lol jk. I don't think it would look that good.
Nope. Pointless. :)
Roxas. end of story.
Red IS my most favorite band. My favorite song by them is Let Go. :D:D:D
Ya either believe in abstinence, or safe sex. So yeah lol.
I think I was around level 50 or 60, used Oblivion :o
so....hows it goin?
Nope. he aint gay. If he truly was gay, he'd be trying to....yeah lol.
What's so graceful about pink??? Why not red? OMG! Marluxia and his pink drive me insane!!! >=O lol. Oops...wrong Hey mod, can you move this to Chain of Memories section.
Do any of you have a government class that is taught by a football coach. That's worse combination you can put in a classroom? Ugh. I hate it sooo much. lol.