hmm...Annnoying on normal, hard on expert, Ansem is pretty tough for me :/
lol its all in the hips yeah..its all in the hips...lmao jkjkjkjk. can ur hair flip? mine can thats what the chicks die for lmao!
Roxas. He's just so awesome and, the game needed an "emo" hero lol.
He's a wimp at hand-on fighting, but with water...He owned me countless times. On standard....How sad is that?
Digimon all the way dude. Season 3 was the best! :D
Seing as how Demyx is one of my favorite Org. XIII characters...OMG THAT WOULD BE SWEET!
As Rosey said. I think you need to talk things through with them, it could all be a misunderstanding, but if not... Talk to them about suing.
Depends on the situation. Could make ya or break ya.
I'm going as the fat skinny kid!!!! woooohoooo! :D
*pulls out keyblade* where he at? he's gunna get it! lol
Beating Roxas and getting Acrossing Two, stared at for like 5 minutes. I had to be like lv 45 before I could beat him for the first time :/
LMAO! i hate to say it...but Michael Jackson.....and Journey lol. *gags*
I think it might be Xion lol
lol he's 15. *sigh*
I have this friend, he is SO immature and so stupid! One time, I had a get together at the end of my freshman year, I invited a bunch of my friends. About an hour later, he shows up. My mom asked him if I invited him, his response "Oh! I know I was invited!" So my mom asks me, and I told her no. I considered asking him to leave, but he would probably go off and cry and pout and talk stuff behind my back. And, everytime I'm having a crappy day, he pokes, touches, etc. to me, and It pushes me over the edge and he says "Are you pissy?" That just makes me MAD, I tell him I'm not in the mood, and what does he do? He keeps doing it. What should I tell him? He's immature, so idk how to tell him, in a manly way. lol. any ideas? Oh forgot one more thing, he will NOT take no for an answer. He asks if he can come over and my mom tells him no. So he says "why not?" and gets all nosy about our business. I need help on this pplz, i need something to say to him!
I liked Dexter because I watched it like all the time when I was a kid. Great show, but then again, Dexter sounded pretty annoying, and as for Jimmy Neutron.... Highly uncredible, nothing makes ANY sense in that show lol. :D
I think it might've been Terra. I have a feeling there are like the 'best-friend' gig in a game like this lol.
hmmmm....I'd have to say Wonderland on this one.
OMG its actually catching up to a PsP lol.
Doesn't bother me much, I'm just excisted mostly for BBS to get released. That's what I want more :)