Larxene....she's IS the savage nymph(o) anyways right? lol
Wow, not the best quality, but I still get the idea. But excellent nonetheless, thanks for sharing! :D
Yah, it's my favorite piece of music out of all of them, maybe except for The Encounter lol
hey whats up?
In kh1, I ususally pick the Dream Sword, in kh2 I pick the staff or shield. :D
Squall would get OWN3D by Cloud, no matter what the situation is.... Chuck Norris...pwned...Jet Li...pwned....etc. lol
*still stands there*
lol what a coincidence *walks away from ur window* lolol so whats up?
listenin to music...postin on the forums...nothin special lol
*sits there like an idiot*
lol my badd sheesh xD
I'd have either have to say going through to fight Demyx and the 1000 Heartless in Hollow Bastion, or the part where Sora meets up with Roxas in front of Memories Skyscaper
I'd like to see Ultimecia for an optional boss... That would be
Hmm... Not exactly what I was expecting her to look like :o
I tried mp3 and wmv formats :(
nm bro, just chillin, postin...lookin at ur smexi pro lol jk, how u doin?
if u are, say i am! i am!