i hadmine yesterday, I have a feeling that I didn't do so good on it :/
lol hi xD [] [] [] []
I have a rough idea... but I can't really say since i'm not %100 sure.
Duh! Buzz Lightyear, he's going to laser you to death! lolol
Aight. I'm addicted to thiss how after like 2 episodes... lol. Any1 else like it?
I think Scar, his evil voice and his scarred eye topped it off, and he killed uhh....Mufasa? I think that's his name. It did him some good to get the crap beaten out of him :)
lol kk cya :P
Math is just bleh. lol xD.....lmao jk, so whats up?
I'm having a hard time finding the info myself... Thanks for finding this :D!
Math is just bleh. lol xD
I highly doubt that Xion is connected to Zexion. I think she is more related to Aqua more than anything, maybe Kairi, possibly Namine.
OMG!!! Thanks for the translated trailers!!!
Then i wish u luck on your tests :) I never do so good, depends on the subjects, like math or something...lol
Tests are going to be the death of me someday...*sigh* lol
mmm I see, i just got back too. I hate school... Had a geometry test....and its that time of year again in health class....ya know....birds and...
lol its k, sowhats up?
lol i am too....so what u up to?
Twilight Town, you can actually see the sky there lol
idk lol i havent been here long enough to say
I fell in love with the movie, though It leaves many holes in the actual plot :(