np brodude ::L: Whats with life?
cncncncncncncncnc Renderp
Simply put: These are gorgeous. Great, high-quality pictures. The Distance is prob my favorite of the bunch, so some odd reason.
B&M Halloween Special > B&M Saves Christmas
omg i liek ur profile
Personally, I'd rather be part robot.
Oi! c:
What do you mean "like Yuna's pic"?
What can I help you with?
I love how Im the only one who gets the connection between Neku. =\
o tytytytytytytyty :) :) :) :) :) :) :) i r so hpy rite nao
Found this in the name change thread.
...are you on hotmail or messenger? You want to login on the icon on the desktop. Click it, and open the program. Log in there.
Couldnt you have just said Sora Sig instead, cause then there would be no need for spoilers, but he's in the organization coat asdfghjkl; Anywho, Im not a fan of this. It's very basic and needs work on all fronts. Effects, text, texture, color, etc is all messed up. Reaads some tuts and work off from that.
Not getting it... w/e
Hey gias lets have Renegade do Question Time for a 3rd time.
Just next to the Search box when you're on MSN, click the little guy with the + symbol on him. Click Add Contact. type in