Molli looked down and tried to hide her sorrow. "Thats rough. Seeing that happen and being taken away from your family. Your strong though, seeing what happened to your parents and being taken from your siblings." Molli fumbled with her sleeve and tried not to look up, sensing that Rhys was still looking at her.
2 Why? This will be a while before it goes anywhere. If it does.
Like it is most of the time.
2 I see where this is going -.-
Uhhuh. Well then. . .
Molli shifted uncomfortabley in her seat. "My mom was an alcoholic and a drug abuser. She died when I was seven. My dad abused me and I ran away when the infection went viral because I had suspicions that my dad was infected. Nothing really major or disturbing." Molli shrugged. "Whats your story? I-If I may ask."
Good luck. Enjoy the movie. Hide behind a curtain if you see any suspicious movement. :)
Just being you, I see, I see. . .
2 It might not. My threads are hardly popular.
Uhhuh. Your one of those obsessed Link fans, no?
Molli looked down. "My full name is October Phirelli, but I'd rather like to be called Molli." She continued drawing but kept her ears open and stayed cautious, incase an unnessecary disturbance occured.
Uhhuh. Why did you suddenly change your font? You don't seem type to use cursive related font.
Molli awkwardly walked into the room and merely sat on the couch by the window. Molli took off her draw-stringed back pack, setting it by her ankles, and took out a Composition Notebook and began drawing in it. Molli was always an artist, well her drawings werent nearly perfect but she did know how to draw. "How long have you stayed here?" Molli asked, trying to make conversation aside from the silence.
Yea. The KH RPG is not really active anymore since the forum brawl.
Ellen Shreiber - Vampire Kisses series Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet Stephenie Meyer - Twilight series (Books had a great story line, but the sparkling stuff did not sit right with me.
Nothing really. Just roleplaying and what not. Yourself?
Molli contemplated the thought of being around other people. Then, she thought of the Infected and how they were out and roaming the streets searching for a stray like herself. "Ok, I g-guess if that alright with you."
Molli was at first taken aback, but then relaxed and sighed. "I don't want to intrude." Molli breathed. 'I don't want him to think that he has to do something for me. I wouldn't want to risk his life if one of the Infected found us.' Molli thought fumbling with her arm warmers.
Molli took her bag and flung it over her back. "Well, I'm out and about. I never really stay in one place for long, y'know because of the Infected things and all." Molli shuffled awkwardly, seeing as this is the only non-infected person she has encountered since the outbreak.
Hoobastank - The Reason