Molli looked at the guys sword and refused politely. Molli then looked at Rhys. "Then why don't you try." Molli muffled to herself before walking away from the large group of people. To many people, not enough chances. I can't die. I won't die. I don't know if they came in contact with them. The Infected. I can't risk anything. Molli felt a sting rush up her left arm. Suddenly stopping she looked down to see her fractured wrist.
Did she now. .
Molli looked at Rhys. "I just went out for a bit." Molli confessed shyly. Molli slowly regained her balance and tried not to get to close to anyone or become trapped. Molli felt weird, she noticed that she felt less awkward around Rhys than she did anyone else. Molli looked around and everyone, being around so many faces startled her. She wasn't used to being around people. Molli looked down and fumbled with her sleeves.
Molli opened her eyes, startled. She tried to speak but her voice was so strained that she couldn't manage to spit them out. Molli slowly sat up. Her struggling arms trying to keep her body straight. Molli pulled her backpack onto her back and tried to stand up, using the Hotel building as support. "I'm fine." Molli croaked. Her voice cracking. "Probably just a little cut. Nothing that can't be fixed right?" Molli strained to keep herself up by herself, but everytime she tried, she always ended up holding the onto the building.
22 Cuz it's be to easy :lolface:
21 I know right?
19 I know. When people post fast too Lol
17 I'll edit it right away soo
15 I know what number I am on. when you say it, its frusturating
14 Its frusturating ;-:
13 please stop posting fast
11 ok then stop postig
10 I edit mine. Hes posting fast
9 gogogogo
8 2 against 1
8 Gogogogo!
7 winning!!
5 Refresh it a few times. I'll be here a night. Hopefully. . .
3 Hurry Cloud lets dominate!
Molli pulled herself up as she did in gym class and tried with all her might to get up. She slipped and only one hand was keeping her from falling. Her draw stringed backpack fell to the floor. "Damnit! My drawings!" Molli shouted. She tried to make the ladder fall more but failed and fell to the floor. Molli tried to breath but air couldn't find it way out fast enough. Molli coughed and blood dripped from her mouth. "Agh." She groaned, reaching for her backpack. Molli tried to sit up and she was in to much pain from the fall, so she continued to lay there, slow tears of nearing death fell from her eyes. 'If I get infected-' Molli thought. 'Then atleast its better than this pain.'