I noticed how you responded to my VM. I think it'd be a lot easier, if you'd hit "View Conversation" to reply back to someone. That way we get a...
Molli stood up and went to the front door. Leading to the Hotel hallway. Trying to make sure no one would notice her leaving, she slowly shut the door. Breathing a sigh of relief when no one had saw her, she started down the hallway to the staircase leading to the top floor of the building. She remembered how her mother used to work here and said there was a secret room on the top floor. Before Molli had ran away from home, she made sure to grab the key in her mothers jewlery box. Now, gripping the key innher hand, Molli reached the room number 326. Molli slid the key into the lock and took a huge breath. The lock clicked and the door creaked as Molli opened the door, sliding in. The room was nice. Very clean and bright from the suns rays. It smelled like lavender, and it was cool, not hot. As Molli inspected more, she noticed 3 seperate rooms. Enough room for everyone. Very well kept. The bathroom had running water and so did the kitchen. Molli beamed at her discoveries. All she had to do was go get groceries. Everything worked. And it was perfect. Now, all she had to do was surprise them.
25 This thread. It somewhat disappoints me, . .
Molli heard the commotion in the kitchen and slightly lifted her head up. Rhys had awoken and was kicking the fridge. 'What the heck?' Molli thought. 'Maybe a hangover. He was drinking yesterday.' Molli put her head back down, not wanting to interupt, and closed her eyes. She wasn't falling asleep, but she was merely thinking. Thinking of a way out. Thinking of what shr would donwith her life when the infection stopped. Thinking about how long she would survive, if the infection never went away. 'What would I do?' Molli thought. Shaking the images out of her head, Molli got up and went towards the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was certainly a lot more paler, but her black hair was still silky and her green eyes were still radiant in color. She closed the door and changed into black skinny jeans and a blood red long sleeved V-cut shirt. She quickly stuffed her arms warmers into her bag and continued sitting on the couch.
15 ixazrxt
13 . . . .
Spoiler It was taken a while ago, but, I kinda like it.
Thanks for the friend request. =^_^=
11 I don't even know. . .
Molli sat, scrunched up on the couch, drawing in her Composition Notebook. Not only a few days ago her wrist was fractured from falling off an escape ladder. Now that it was fixed, she was finally able to catch up on her drawings. Which pretty much explained her feelings. In Molli's opinion, when writting down your constant feelings anybody can read them, but when you draw out pictures at the right time, Molli was able to hide her feelings in the drawings. Molli sighed and put her notebook into her drawstringed backpack and laid her head down in her crossed arms over her knees. Although she loved drawing, it actually got pretty boring. . .
Then just give up! 11
How did this happen?!?!? 10
I accepted it. All we need to do is wait for 2 other people and I can start it
Ok, accepted. . .
Yes. That will work. Unless you just find a picture you want and then just write down the URL, and then post it. Thats what I managed to do when...
Well, welcome! Glad you decided to return. It is quite entertaining here. . . . Anyways, the Spam Zone is pretty much to only place to post without penalty. But some forum rules still apply. Hope you enjoy your stay at Viva-la-KHV =^_^=
Sorry. First come, first serve. If you can't make it then I guess you can't join. I apologize, but thats how I go. No special treatments for...
OOC - okay, so we are at the Hotel place and Molli's arm is fixed and what not. Right? We can continue from there, no?
Uhm no. . . Thanks for your Character Templates. You have both been accepting. But, can you please change your images into urls? It'd be easier if you use the BB Code [url*][/url*] Just take out the * Its easier so I can put your appearances in with you Templates. Other than that, you guys are good to go :)
Welcome to the Carnival. You have attended the fourth annual Cristylton Carnival. Everyone in the town of Cristylton just so happened to be there. A day of cotton candy and slurpies. The sun was out, not a stray cloud in the blue sky. Everything was perfect. Until dusk. . . You and five other Carnival go-ers, ended up being stuck in the Carnival gate No way in. No way out. You won't give up. You tried desperately to find a way out of there, but was then knocked unconsious. When you awoke, you had no idea where you were. You didn't remember anything. Then, you finally started remembering. How you couldn't get out. Theres only six survivors. You have until Dawn to escape the carnival, or else, the carnival disappears. With you in it. Heres the catch. One of the six survivors. Is killing off each and everyone of you. ---------------------------------- Character Sign Up: Username; Character Name; Age; Gender; Appearance; -link to picture please- ---------------------------------- In Use Characters; 1.) NYAN CAT =^_^= Spoiler Name - Francesca Age - 16 Gender - Female Appearance - Spoiler http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9yXeAmiLuJo/ThEeXO-FQsI/AAAAAAAAACY/5u0zyIrTGDo/s748/emo_anime_neko.jpg 2.) itachilives741 Spoiler Name - Kyle Age - 19 Gender - Male Appearance - Spoiler http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/75/74/44407475/photos/Hot-Anime-Guys/0090-anime_guy_2.jpg 3.) Master of Keyblades Spoiler Name - Zeke Age - 16 Gender - Male Appearance- Spoiler http://i460.photobucket.com/albums/...stuff/AnimeGuy-SilverHair-LightMetalicBlu.gif 4.) The Hero of Time Spoiler Name - Thorn Age - 17 Gender - Male Appearance - Spoiler http://lostty.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/hur.jpg 5.) cloud<3 Spoiler Name - Sasha Age - 17 Gender - Female Appearance - Spoiler http://www.google.ca/imgres?start=1...B8TUI_-LJGCqgG7yoCIDw&zoom=1&biw=1366&bih=643 6.) NikkiNoNo Spoiler Name - Tooki Hitomi Age - 18 Gender - Female Appearance - Spoiler http://moe.[URL="http://moe.animech...tersdatabase.com/images/2097/Tooko_Hitomi.jpg[/url] ---------------------------------- Rules; 1.) If I select you as the killer, don't make yourself obvious. 2.) If you suspect the killer, notify me. 3.) No descriptive romance scenes -if any- 4.) Don't make yourself invinsible, you can't get out that easy. Be challenged. 5.) If you are the killer and you wish to kill another members character, notify me who you wish to kill and I will notify them of their character being perished of. To keep your identity hidden. 6.) No excessive swearing. 7.) I want a minimum of 3 sentences per post in the RP. I am very laid back on rules and what not, but don't take advantage of that. I will kick people out of the RP. At the end of your Character Template type: "I am not the killer!" To show you have read this. ---------------------------------- I will update me Character ASAP. Join if you please. If you don't agree with the rules, don't join.