Well, okie. I appreciate it.
Well, IF you join. . . I'll be sure to not pick you. :)
I cant say. It'll ruin the whole point of the RP. -.-
You don't have to join if it doesnt interest you. I didnt knownyou already checked it out.
Can you check out my RP? Theres two spots left. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?127451-Carnival-From-Hell-OOC-amp-SU
Can you possibley join my RP? Theres 2 spots left. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?127451-Carnival-From-Hell-OOC-amp-SU
I loved Halloween Town. 'Nuff said. The World That Never was had really good background music and was a really good setup. I loved how Sora meet Roxas and how they battled. It was exciting and I loved it.
Jesse McCaurtney was the voice for Roxas. Thats probably why. I think my personal favorite had to be Cloud or Squall/Leon. I know they are not originally KH characters, but are from FF. Still, in both KH and FF, Squall/Leon and Cloud are my two most favorited. Hands down. =^_^=
I think the top three has to be; 3.) Xemnas - World That Never Was - Final Boss 2.) Demyx - Hollow Bastion/Radiant Gardens 1.) Xaldin - Beasts Castle Xemnas was sort of easy. I do admit to dying a few times on the last part where I got to play as Riku, but other than that, he was kind of easy to beat. Demyx was in the middle. I died like one or twice when I was so close to defeating him. Xaldin. That was the hardest boss I had troubles with. It took me atleast a day or two to actually kill him off. After dying so many times I would just give up and quit. Then the next day I would try again. . .
I-personally- wouldn't want to see Kairi as a playable character. I mean, in both KH1&KH2, she was the character Sora was trying to find. If she were a playable character, fighting by Sora or Rikus side, then the story line would get messed up. Isnt the reason why all this started was because Sora was trying to find Kairi and Riku. I think it would be best if she would just stay as a background/secondary character in the KH series.
Ohai! Welcome to KHV! I am Nyan or October. Which ever is easier for you. I see your interest in Death Note. I am in love with that series. Anyways, if you want to talk and what not, you know where I am. Hope you enjoy your stay at KHV.
Okay, first. I Love your username. Now that thats out of the way, Welcome to KHV! I am obviously NYAN CAT =^_^= Or you can call me Nyan or October. I am changing my name soon-hopefully-so I wont be Nyan. Even though your mail got messed up, I am particularly glad that you decided to join us again. It is an equal thrill to have a newbie. Anyways, have fun posting in all sorts of places in the forums. If you have any questions or if you just want to talk, hit me up a VM. =^_^=
Welcome, welcome to the KHV Ward. A place where all the crazy Kingdom Hearts fan meet in a cult. They say once you enter the KHV realms, you never leave. Membership lasts an eternity! No, I am only joking. Or am I? Anyways, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. =^_^=
Molli twisted her wrist around, cracking it a few times. "Well, it seems to be doing ok. I mean-it doesn't hurt or anything." Molli looked at the ancient looking girl. She has seen her somewhere, but can't put a finger on it. Molli refrained from smiling and looked at the girl. "And you are. . . ?" Molli asked.
Thats okay. If you have any questions, or if you just want to talk, I'll be here :)
32 sisisisisiisis
Molli opened the door quickly and quietly, hoping nobody noticed her absence. There they were. Right there by that ancient lookin girl. Molli sighed and continued to the couch sitting down. 'Maybe, they didn't see me walk in. Maybe they were too busy talking amongst each other to even know that I walked in.' Molli thought. She tried to hide her smile at her discovery and looked down to hide the smile she was not strong enough to hold back.
30 G urcxicecrs
28. . . .
26 Holy crap you guys.