Big mistake, playing your facedowns after you activate your cards. In response to swords of revealing light, I activate my facedown quickplay spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon, to destroy it, thus allowing me to attack next turn. I may have taken damage, but that card was a big mistake. You've activated my face down monster's flip effect! So your monster is sent back to your hand before even attacking. As for Raigeki, I activate my trap card, Solemn Judgement. A worthy sacrifice, 'cause now my monsters remained unharmed, and you with only two cards on the field. I'll wait now for the heads up to enter my turn, or for other possible outcomes.
Wha-? Okay then. xD
That's a rule now? o.o How's that fair? In real life, nay anywhere, facedown monsters are usually unknown to the opponent. -Demands an explanation.-
Aight. -Draws- Here I go. First, I play Pot of Greed, allowing me to draw two cards. Next, I place three face down cards in my spell/trap card zones. Now then . . . . First, I play Double Summon: Next, I normal summon Deep Sea Diva, in attack mode. Thus, its effect activates! Allowing me to obtain one level 3 or lower Sea Serpent monster, and special summon it. Come forth, spine gillman! After that, I play the card Graceful Charity. Thus I draw three cards and discard two, the two being Treeborn Frog: And Mermaid Knight: Now, I activate a card in my hand's effect. I send Mermaid Knight out ot play to special summon Aqua Spirit! And finally, I set one last monster in defense mode. Your move! :roar: Monster card zone: Magic/Trap card zone: Say what? o.o
Sure, why not? -Cracks knuckles- Your terms?
Nothing much. o.o
Same. I'll stick with the good old regular monsters. *Pets Daedalus*
Eh, guess I will. Need to get rid of my rustiness. Your terms?
You certainly made a valid point with that kind of turn. o.o;
Scratch that. THIS should be interesting. (Notice that Jaden used ten pics before even playing a card. This duel's going to be super cereal.)
Doubt this'll be answered, but do any of you guys have a boss warp on the Seifer, Hayner, or Setzer battles?
Not that making the pictures smaller doesn't seem to be much harm, but is this thread not bombarded with extremely long posts of card after card after card? Seems more obnoxious to me than a single post from an anime clip that isn't that much bigger than the cards.
Six votes? That's all?
This should be fairly interesting.
Oh. Well then I'd be glad to join. ^^
The YuGiOh . . . Fanclub . . . ? o.o
I voted no for reasons that I have stated in the past and reasons stated within this thread. (Aka, too lazy to explain.)
Lose the rainbow. Everything else, pretty awesome.
Not that I mind the 4Kids scorching, but isn't this supposed to be a dueling threa-? *Looks at where this thread is* Oh. Right. Anyway, I guess I'm up for a little duel. Got about half my cards ready so far, so meh.
Hnn. Didn't work the way I thought it would.