"Nope. Nothing too particular that stands out..." Flora said. But... "Uh, what was your home like, if you don't mind me asking?"
Rise is a babe
I could go on, but I feel I have succeeded. The eleventh is the only one that hates apples, so there are 12 other Doctors I could use, but I'm not mean enough to do this. Toodles! *puts on aviators and rides off into sunset*
Jingle All the Way. It's just such a great and loving movie about a dad being so dedicated to his son he risks everything to get him an action figure.
I actually quite like your silliness, as blunt as it can be at times.
You know TTG is very bad when most of you are picking MLP over it.
Hey guys, remember the part in the 50th anniversary when Eleven tells off Ten for one of the two ladies being a Zygon? Hilarious, wasn't it? Oh. Not that doctor? But he hates apples.
Why pick ponies over teen titans? Well No, yeah. Ponies.
...Even I don't do that. :l
Reserving: Julia Crichton (Fullmetal Alchemist and the Star of Milos)
"Yeah!" Flora said. "I'm famished! Think we can make something good?"
"Oh, yeah. I sorta cut most of it off to show I wanted to be more mature. We had to disguise as men, and my hair was too long. Normally, I would cry, but I mean... I needed to grow up. I also kinda realized Karina's a lost cause, at least for now. I'll still be nice, sure, but..." Flora said. "Anyway, we should pair up for the next set of worlds. It would be nice to go with a friend."
As Flora wandered around the LoD, she noticed Cat, the same girl from before. It was nice to see a friendly face finally. She approached her quickly, "Hey there, Kitty Cat!" She said cheerily joking around. "I'm' just messing. You have fun in your world?"
Collect and select, show me your best set
The spam zone hasn't been nasty in months. But welcome, Roxas
He's not IN them, he just happens to be a member that they can rely on, I believe.
I don't like them. They're fattening.
Ugh (I'm in-character btw)