...I want to kill Sasuke for some reason in this image.
This is what I would say when I come back in: http://yang-burns-gold.tumblr.com/post/69863473173/surprise-*****-bet-you-thought-youd-seen
Happy Birthday Jayn! You're great and I hope your birthday is the same! I would make you an Ice Castle but that would require trapping KHV in an eternal winter
It's that good? Might have to actually attempt to give it a shot.
But then everything is the wrong color and Scar is suddenly older. The 2003 version is a totally different story than Brotherhood and the manga. The only big selling points of '03 for me were the way Homunculi are created in the '03 one (it's completely different) and the fact that Episode 3 is dedicated to the backstory. I usually watch Episode 3 of the 2003 Anime, then jump into Brotherhood.[DOUBLEPOST=1388783497][/DOUBLEPOST] FMA wasn't that bad. Just had a lot of really bad episodes. Brotherhood... I cannot find anything wrong with it.
It's drastically different, and I honestly prefer the '03 version of the backstory a bit more. But Brotherhood is just less of a cluttered mess. Only bad part is that they don't go over the Elric brothers' backstory as in depth as the '03 anime does (it had a whole episode dedicated to their past). In a sense, they have both good and bad. Also do yourself a favor and don't watch Fullmetal Alchemist and the Sacred Star of Milos because it's a horrible movie.
@Cat~ , Brotherhood is 64 episodes, Funimation is just all "Ur not getting season 5 trololol", so the last 12 are hard to come by. The original is 51 episodes. But yes, the Original FMA and Conqueror of Shamballa are pretty gr8. Worth watching, even if the original has a lot of dull episodes, namely at the start until like, episode 13. They keep all the important stuff but say **** it to the lore of the Homunculi, and I honestly prefer the original's take on how they're made. Just my two cents.
Yeah, her. The shame is real.
The chick that played Mary Jane in the original Spider-Man movie from 2002. I forget her name, but I realize now how foolish I was.
I don't think you understand who you're speaking to
Who gave you the right
I would only recommend the anime if you're looking for something quick to do. It does the job and tells the story, but you miss out on so much personality that the characters have. There are deaths early in the series, and they leave you wanting to know more, so I would recommend the game over the anime. The anime however is still one of my favorites. It's really well done (other than being rushed as ****), and it has really awesome music.
A very happy New Year to all of you from the kingdom of Arendelle.
I am one with the wind and skyyyyyy~
Damn, glad to hear you're okay Fearless. Glad to hear your car didn't get horribly ****ed up too. Relax. You deserve it today c:
I'm actually appalled by the sexism in this thread. Like, holy ****. I'm seriously surprised you had a girlfriend in the first place. Get your dick out of your mind and start talking with your ****ing brain, because sexist pigs like you are the ones that give men a bad name and a bad rep. People like you are the reason women think all men are sexist pigs who just want to ****. In your case, they're right. More right than one would think. Seriously, straighten up, and maybe you'll find someone that won't leave you. Though I doubt you can change at this point.
@Volk I hate you for not tagging me. It hurts I don't get credit for being in a fandom I'm in. Jerk. Worst friend 2014 </3
Three things: 1- New Characters: Username: Queen Elsa of Arendelle Character of Choice: Elsa the Snow Queen of Arandelle Picture(optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Frozen, The Snow Queen (the original fairy tale) Additional Info: Elsa of Arendelle, the Heiress to the Throne was born with a mysterious gift (or, in her mind, curse) which allowed her to control snow. Connected to her emotions, the cold intensifies along with them. After her and her younger sister Anna's parents died at sea, Elsa was set to become Queen. However, following an argument with her younger sister Anna, she succumbed to fear and it turned her evil, corrupting her heart and trapping Arendelle in an eternal winter. Character of Choice: Princess Anna of Arendelle Picture(optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Frozen, The Snow Queen (Based off Gerda, the Protagonist from the original fairy tale) Additional Info: Anna is the eccentric and awkward younger sister of Elsa. Following Anna's accidental triggering of Elsa's fears, she now feels responsible for finding Elsa, bringing her home, and saving Arendelle from its eternal winter 2- Took the liberty of organizing my lists. I figured it was time everyone knew who the hell I had. The Hero of Time Link (The Legend of Zelda) Fi (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Zelda/Sheik (The Legend of Zelda) Aryll (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker/OC) Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Ganondorf/Ganon (The Legend of Zelda) Demise (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Hero's Shade (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) Metal Sonic (Sonic Heroes) Classic Metal Sonic (Sonic CD/Generations) Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood) Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood) Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood) Samus (Metroid Series) Katniss (The Hunger Games) Prim (The Hunger Games) Peeta (The Hunger Games) Lucario (Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew) Pokémon Trainer Red (Pokemon RGBY/Pokemon Adventures FR/LG Chapter) Pokémon Trainer Green (Pokemon Adventures FR/LG Chapter) Sinhoh Champion Cynthia (Pokemon DPPt) Pokémon Trainer Yellow du Viridian Grove (Pokemon Adventures FR/LG Chapter) Pokémon Trainer Crystal (Pokemon Adventures HGSS Chapter) Pokémon Trainer Black (Pokemon BW/Pokemon Adventures: B/W) Pokémon Trainer May (Pokemon RSE/Pokemon R/S/E Chapter) Pokemon Trainer Bianca (Pokemon B2/W2) Pokemon Trainer Hugh (Pokemon B2/W2) Elite Four Caitlin (Pokemon B2/W2) Rayquaza (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Series) Mewtwo (Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back/Mewtwo Returns/Birth of Mewtwo) Zoroark (Zoroark: Master of Illusions) Zorua (Zoroark: Master of Illusions) Clara Oswin Oswald (Doctor Who) River Song (Doctor Who) Amy Pond (Doctor Who) Donna Noble (Doctor Who) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Lion-O (Thundercats 2011) Cheetara (Thundercats 2011) Tygra (Thundercats 2011) Wolf O'Donell (StarFox Series/Super Smash Bros. Brawl) Fox McCloud (StarFox Series/Super Smash Bros. Brawl) Falco Lombardi (StarFox Series/Super Smash Bros. Brawl) The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Rory Williams (Doctor Who) Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood) Ling Yao (Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood) Maya (Phoenix Wright Series) Trish (Devil May Cry Series) Classic Amy Rose (Sonic CD) Amy Rose (Sonic The Hedgehog Series) Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter Series) Kairi (Kingdom Hearts II) Sora (Kingdom Hearts II) Beast (Beauty and the Beast/Kingdom Hearts II) Fighter (8bit Theatre) Ayla (Chrono Trigger) Crono (Chrono Trigger) Marle (Chrono Trigger) Frog (Chrono Trigger) Magus (Chrono Trigger) Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) Danni Phantom (Danny Phantom) Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2) Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII) Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII) Kirby (Kirby Series) Weiss Schnee (RWBY) Elsa the Snow Queen of Arandelle (Frozen/The Snow Queen) Princess Anna of Arendelle (Frozen) The Hero of Time Gohan Simba Kovu Nightwing Bowser Jr. Shining Armor Princess Cadence Princess Celestia Princess Luna Queen Chrysalis Amaterasu Korra Vlad Vladikoff Venom (Eddie Brock) Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) Sloth (2003 FMA) Toa Tahu Gresh Toa Lewa Shiro Mimi and Palmon Matt and Gabumon Annabeth Chase Thalia Grace Nayru, The Oracle of Ages Din, The Oracle of Seasons Princess Peach Rosalina Leon S. Kennedy Ashley Graham Jill Valentine Hinata Poof Skip Sparky-Pants Son Goku Vegeta Ghost Nappa Frieza The Ginyu Force Latios Rouge the Bat Blaze the Cat Chaos Espio the Chameleon Rinoa Heartilly Kefka Palazzo Gabranth Garland Emperor Mateus Robin (Tim Drake) Starfire Beast Boy Leblanc Logos and Ormi Misty (Pokemon R/G/B/Y) Skyla (Pokemon B2/W2) Clair (Pokemon HG/SS) Rocket Gym Leader Triad #1: Koga (Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Chapter) Rocket Gym Leader Triad #2: Sabrina (Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Chapter) Pokemon Trainer Barry (Pokemon D/P/Pt) Rui (Pokémon Colosseum) Mask of Ice (Pokemon Adventures G/S/C Chapter) Roulette Goddess Dahlia (Pokemon Pt/HG/SS) Duplica (Pokemon Anime) Maylene (Pokemon D/P/Pt) Chili (Pokemon B2/W2) Loreili (Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Chapter) Rocket Specialist Domino Ass Ketchup Ash Ketchum Oichi (Pokémon Conquest) Lumina (Lightning returns: FFXIII) The Axem Rangers X Master Hand Crazy Hand Sakura Haruno Sexy Silvia Lucy Kuo (inFamous 2) Devilotte de Deathsatan IX (Cyberbots) Gemini Sunrise (Sakura Wars) Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars) Alisa Ilinichina (God Eater) And to prove I had those last three (Soma is Dark's now), click here. 3- Droid's Fullemetal Alchemist characters are under my control while Droid is away.
This is true. I meant to reserve him (and the Joker) last night, but seeing as it was Christmas, I got busy. Meaning I now reserve: The Joker (The Dark Knight) Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
He did get physical. He lunged at the photographer, no doubt with intent to hurt.