I see you are all still in this despair-filled hole.
Are you real?
Why the fuck are any of you bastards still here? I left and only come back to get a new name and check up on shit. Note: The word bastards in Dangan Ronpa is used as a generalization by Junko, not as a direct insult.
You're all disgusting! Seeing your faces fills me with despair in the way that even I can't like.
It's okay if the little ones are curious- I mean Get the **** out.
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I honestly think this looks good. After a bit, Knuckles's design grew on me.
Toy Story sucks because it's about toys and isn't an anime :l That's why this movie's gonna suck too
Jaaaaames A Link Between Worlds is fabulous.
I got A Link Between Worlds yesterday, and it's fabulous. It's very faithful to the Hyrule we got in A Link to the Past, and features a lot of really new stuff for those looking for it. A lot of the dungeons return too, and have changed quite a bit, but not so much that people who played the original will be confused.
Question? Did anyone take ******bag Hans from Frozen? If not, I reserve him.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (formerly Ninja Turtles) is a 2014 reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie series. It's set to be produced by Michael Bay and released on August 8th, 2014 in the US. Spoiler: Movie Poster Personally, I feel like so far the movie is going to suck. I really don't want it to, but there are so many things wrong with it. The design of the Turtles is atrocious IMO though, and I really wish they weren't trying to go for such a gritty look. I will say though, Megan Fox doesn't look horrible as April O' Niel. She's pulling off the look pretty well: Sources: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1291150/ http://turtlepedia.wikia.com/wiki/Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_(2014_film)
How is it lazy to reuse a popular character that's important to the plot of a current game? There's not even really that much able to represent Pokémon this generation, as there's no Pokémon similar enough to Mewtwo or Lucario that can be used for battle. The only thing revealed first besides starters and Legendaries was Sylveon, and it's not human shaped like Lucario. Even Zoroark seems more likely. But Lucario is more relevant than Zoroark is, and that's most likely why he's being used. And honestly saying it's lazy to reuse Lucario is like saying it's lazy to reuse Sonic, which it isn't because he's pretty important this generation.
Lucario is a plot point in X and Y when Mega Evolution comes in. That's pretty relevant to me.
I guess you could say Everything is going to be... Frozen
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FROZEN!??? *shot by the people against this* I'm sorry but I relate to that movie on an emotional level so I had to ask Pixar worlds? Any new Final Fantasy characters? Final Fantasy side plots? Are Sora's parents going to appear? Are Riku's? Are we finally going to know the real reason Kairi ended up on destiny islands?
Asked around on tumblr to see if any of my buddies could take you in. No luck so far, but I'll keep trying.
I have never seen it said with any other celebrity. People can like what get want, but the Beleiber group as a whole just seems like the most troubled.
Directly doesn't mean what you think it means. What you mean is that it doesn't always hurt someone, it hurts someone directly whenever it does hurt someone. And now onto the dumb teenager here: Let me tell you a little something. A friend of mine (who I look up to as I would a big sister) lost a friend of hers in a drunk driving accident. Any time there is a joke about DUI, she will jump on you like a freaking weapon and let you have it. The fact that his fans are still supporting him and not blaming him is pretty wrong. I bet anything if they had lost someone to a DUI, they'd just give up on the kid. I've also seen things such as "I would love Justin even if he raped kids." That's pretty disgusting, and I really hope that someone either puts Justin away for good, or they just remove him from the country for good, because people are just gonna start taking a leaf out of his book eventually, and that's bad. Very bad.