Roxas stopped on the other side of Riku, looking down at him as he remained standing, unlike Sora. He stayed silent, wondering the same thing as his best friend. Riku's brows were furrowed over his angry eyes, still glaring at his blade. "He showed up and I couldn't hold him off," he said lowly, his fury coming through in his voice. He was ashamed of himself. "He planned it this way. I know he did."
It's like an addiction isn't it? xD
Roxas followed Sora even through his confusion as to why his friend didn't use the door, but when he saw Riku, that vanished away. He saw that the girls were nowhere in sight, which sent off warning bells in his head. Riku didn't turn around at Sora's call. Instead, his grasp on the hilt of his blade only tightened. He had to tell Sora... He had to tell Sora and Roxas that Smith slipped past him and took the girls. How could he have been so stupid to let such a thing happen?! He was smarter than that! He was more powerful than that! Smith shouldn't have gotten through him so easily!
Soo.... xD
Riku sat on the ground, his Keyblade stabbed into the grass right in front of him as he held the hilt. What did he just do? He was in a state of shock, which was why he wasn't pacing and letting his calm demeanor go; if he was up and not sitting down, he would be slashing at anything in anger. But he had to control his emotions now, which was why he glared at Way to Dawn. He had to think logically instead of irrationally. Riku knew he couldn't go after Smith on his own; he needed Sora and Roxas's help. Roxas ran behind Sora, keeping up with his friend's quick pace. He saw Kairi's house and would have felt relief because they were so close, but his gut was twisting. There wasn't something right still, the disappearance of the Darkness certainly triggering that.
Yuppers. xD
Roxas continued running, though he blinked in confusion when he felt the threat from Darkness disappear. The air around them was no longer heavy, but back to normal. That didn't make any sense...
I know. I'm back faster than I expected too. xD
Kairi looked at her older best friend a second before she vanished into the portal with Namine, at the same time her heart calling out to him...and someone else, even though she knew their connection had been broken. Fear was present in both her heart, mind, and eyes, the girl's sight of her best friend vanishing into darkness. Riku got as far up as his knees before he felt the connection between his and Kairi's hearts strike him. "No!" he cried, reaching out to the girls, but he was too late. They were gone.
I iz backkk. :3
Kairi shrieked, trying to pull her arm back just as she felt Smith grab it. She had a sense of deja vu, remembering being dragged away by Axel this way. However, she was much more terrified, knowing that wherever Smith was taking them wasn't going to be good. "Riku!" she cried, struggling to get away from Smith's grasp. Riku's eyes widened at the cry, seeing the girls being grabbed by Smith. No! He wasn't taking them that easily! Riku put a hand on the ground, starting to push himself up from his lying position. He wasn't going to let Smith get his way! Sora and Roxas were counting on him to take care of the girls, who were equally counting on him to protect them. He couldn't fail!
Alrighty. I'll be back in a jiffy!
Riku groaned from his spot on the ground, squeezing his eyes shut at the pain in his chest and head, where Smith managed to strike him. He was in a daze, the boy rolling onto his side as he winced. What happened? he thought silently, but then he heard the familiar sound of something... It was when he opened his eyes that he saw the swirling portal and knew that was what he recognized. The portal...near the girls. No! Kairi's head turned sharply to the side, a gasp leaving her lips at the sight of the portal. She remembered those, immediately thinking back to when Axel had taken her. But Smith, he was much worse than Axel. Kairi turned her head to look at the man approaching her and Namine, the girl instinctively taking a step back, even if there was nowhere for her to go. Roxas followed behind Sora, only a few steps behind. The fact that they recognized the Darkness so simply was bad, which meant Smith wasn't lingering in the shadows anymore. Something was going on here that was just plain wrong. They needed to reach Riku and the girls, and quickly.
I was going to when I heard your reply to my last message. But by the "=/", I have a feeling you don't like it. Dx
Riku's eyes widened greatly, but that was all the movement he had time for. He cried out in pain as he felt the three blue Firaga orbs hit him, sending him flying back with a cry of pain. He was airborne for a few seconds, his body then landing on the ground with a thud, a grunt leaving him at the impact. Kairi gasped. "Riku!" she cried, her eyes having been on the fight. Smith managed to get a hit on her best friend already. That wasn't a good sign at all. Roxas nodded once. "Good idea," he said, not liking the way the Darkness made him so uneasy. Surely Riku sensed it too, since he was more accustomed to the Darkness than him and Sora. If that was the case, he would be protecting the girls at all costs. That made Roxas feel a little bit better, though the twisting feeling in his gut never made him feel completely at ease. Something was wrong here, and he didn't like it.
Well, I need to go take care of something, which means I have to log off for around a half hour. =/
Riku put both his hands on the handle of his Keyblade, gritting his teeth together at the force being put against him. It was undeniable by the way his blade was already shaking. Smith was strong, very strong. Roxas stopped, turning around to glance back at Sora. "What is it?" he asked with curious eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. But then he tensed up as he noticed it too. Something was heavier around them, which hadn't been there before.
How long you plan to be on tonight?
Riku's eyes followed Smith with experienced swiftness, the boy gripping his blade tightly as he too ran forward. He ground his teeth together, prepared to handle this kind of Darkness. Roxas walked with Sora through a low-key area of the city, searching another area that could possibly be occupied by Darkness. They hadn't come up with anything yet, but he wasn't tired yet, not after the last few hours. He was still determined to find Smith.
Well, hmmm...