:3 Trying to make my LiveJournal account work. It's been going crazy since my internet is wack. Dx
Roxas continued forward, but his pace slowed once he was a few yards away from the entrance of the warehouse. He didn't sense anything yet, no Darkness. But he kept running anyway. Smith would show them he was here when he wanted to, if he was actually present in the warehouse.
What's up?
It didn't take long for Sora, Roxas and Riku to reach the warehouse, and Roxas didn't hesitate summoning both of his Keyblades once they were in the abandoned area. He took a sharp turn at one of the corners and ran forward, his eyes narrowing once he saw the warehouse that he hated. It held too many bad memories, but that only made him push himself faster, not wanting history to repeat itself...especially with the girls. Riku had been following Sora and Roxas this whole time, and when he saw the blond summon his Keyblades, he did the same with Way to Dawn. He knew that they were in an area that was obviously low-key, which made it more appropriate to wield his weapon here; nobody would see them. Well, no one but Smith anyway. They were clearly getting closer.
Would you wanna do a time gap to when they're arriving at the warehouse? ...Oh, and hi there! =)
:3 Most likely, yes. So buh bye! =)
Roxas didn't hesitate, the blond running after his Somebody. He knew he would be able to keep up with Sora's fast pace, the boy moving on adrenaline and fueled by his anger. Smith was done for. Riku summoned Way to Dawn away before following Sora and Roxas, aware that would attract to much attention. They didn't need any distractions. Wherever Sora and Roxas were going, he was going to be right behind them. Kairi and Namine were his friends, and he wasn't going to let them slip away so easily.
But I got past it, and it was AWESOME. 8D
Roxas's eyes darted to Sora instantly, his eyebrows furrowing. "We should check it out," he said with a nod. He would prefer now, unless there was something else they needed to do. Riku's eyes narrowed slightly, the boy tilting his head to the side. He was a little lost, but he knew that would clear up. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm in," he said. There was no way he was going to let Smith get away with this. Smith was going to see Riku again, and Riku wasn't going to be so easily defeated.
Then I'm sure you'll get past this. It kinda reminds me of my Twilight fic and where my OC character found out about Jacob. xD It was so hard to...
"Well he proved a point," Riku said lowly, turning around to look at Sora and Roxas. What Sora said only worsened how Riku felt, but he pushed past it to continue. "He's infuriated me, and you guys in the process. I hope he knows what he's up against." None of them were going to back down from this until the girls were rescued and Smith was defeated, or they were dead. It was that simple. Roxas's hands tightened into fists at Sora's words first, but they only tightened with Riku's statements. "Oh, he knows. He enjoys torturing his enemies, even if they're innocent." He spat the last word, his eyes falling on a sketchpad near the tree. Namine and Kairi were innocent in this case, though they were brought in anyway. They had all expected it, though it happened anyway. Roxas was enraged, and so was Sora.
I'm sure you will. =) Obviously you got past that part in the second or third chapter, right?
Riku walked a few steps toward where the girls were taken. "It's obvious he's seeking vengeance," he said. When he saw the marks in the grass from Kairi and Namine's feet, he stopped, even if he was a few yards from the spot. He then looked down at the ground right at his feet, grasp on Way to Dawn turning his knuckles white with fury. "But he's not done yet. I have a feeling he's setting all of us up for something bigger." Roxas lowered his hand from his hair and looked to Riku, nodding stiffly. "Sounds like him. He always plays games," he said. Ones I would rather have Namine and Kairi not be a part of. He knew they had to go after Smith, but they had no leads. Roxas had a feeling they would have to track him down, just like what he and Sora had been doing.
Yeah, I figured. xD
"No." Riku's fingers curled more around Way to Dawn when he spoke, but then he pulled it out of the ground with a grunt. He pushed himself up, his eyes moving from the blade in his hand to the spot directly ahead of him, where Smith had escaped with the girls. Roxas gripped at his blond spikes, but otherwise didn't say a word. He followed Riku's gaze, seeing a corner of Namine's yard. That must have been where Smith was, he thought. He could feel his anger growing. Not at Riku, but at the fact that Smith got what he wanted...and that was the girls.
It all depends on how she finds out, really. =/
Riku exhaled a breath to try and calm himself down, his blood boiling at his slip up. "I'm sorry," he said, having seen Sora's reaction out of the corner of his eye. Smith had used his own attack against him, which he wasn't sure was even possible. How could he have used Dark Aura against the only person that could use it? Roxas brought a hand to his spikes, trying to understand this. Namine and Kairi were gone... Smith even got passed Riku. Obviously, the older teen wasn't taking it too lightly, and Roxas knew why. Smith was playing a game, and he was winning.
Hmmm. I see...
Riku didn't say anything, his eyes staying on his Keyblade. It was less than a few minutes; a majority of Smith's time here had been full of taunts and insults. The longest he and Smith had fought was less than a minute. He managed to catch Riku off guard with something. Dark Aura...?
Hmm. I wish I could help, but I can't since I don't know the story. xD