Kairi giggled softly, but otherwise kept running her fingers through Sora's hair. She knew that he was trying not to fall asleep, but his efforts were useless; he was going to, she knew it. That was why she didn't stop her movements, her fingers raking through Sora's spikes once again.
Omgosh yes. 8D
Kairi proceeded to play with Sora's spikes, her hand coming down and brushing his bangs back as she ran her fingers through his spikes gently. He was falling asleep, she could tell. And that was great; he needed the rest.
Welcome to my world. x3
Kairi felt herself smile slightly, believing Sora was adorable when he was sleepy. She continued playing with his hair, staying silent. She'd helped him fall asleep many times before by doing this; she didn't think it would fail her now.
So...yeah. xD
Kairi's eyes softened at Sora's words, the girl lifting her hand and lightly starting to play with his spiky hair. "But you seem awfully tired," she told him gently. He'd only gotten worse since she woke up, and she wanted him to be well rested for the rest of the day.
Yuppers. =)
Riku saw Kairi look to him at the mumble, and he simply shrugged. He didn't care either, but then he saw the look in her eyes and what they really said. He motioned to Sora with a jerk of his head, knowing what she was thinking. He was thinking the same thing too: Sora needed to sleep. Kairi nodded and wordlessly went over to the chair Sora was sitting in. She sat herself down on the arm of it, looking down at him. "Sora, why don't you get a little more sleep?" she requested softly, seeing how tired he appeared.
Got it. ;D
After a few minutes, Kairi had already started on the bacon and toast, but she quickly made her way out of the kitchen to ask the boys a question regarding their eggs. "Hey, guys? How do you like your eggs?" she asked, stopping in the doorway.
Works for me. xD
Kairi left the room and headed for the kitchen, entering only a brief moment later. She went toward the fridge, already knowing what she was going to cook. Eggs, toast, and bacon. It would be good for the boys, and by the time she finished cooking it, everyone else would probably be awake too.
Hmm... Nope. =/
Kairi turned her body, her feet lowering to the floor. "I'll go find you guys something to eat," she said softly, knowing that the boys had to be hungry. She offered them a small smile before she walked past the couch and started out of the room to head toward the kitchen. Riku followed Kairi with his eyes, but didn't say anything. When was the last time he had a good meal? Quite a while. He had been traveling for the last year or so, since everybody else moved here.
....I got nothin'. xD
Kairi looked out one of the windows in the room from where she sat, silence filling the room once again. Her two blond friends did sleep longer than she or her best friends did, which was okay. They both needed the rest she was sure. Meanwhile, she probably needed to take care of Sora and Riku.
Riku simply lowered his gaze, knowing that Sora was right. It didn't matter now, because surely Sora wasn't going to fall asleep now, since it was already morning. Roxas would be waking up soon, no doubt. That would just convince Sora to stay awake even more, despite how tired he probably was.
I can see that. xD