38406 people suing
38404 people at burger king having an apple pie with that
38402 chickens making eggs to go with the chops
I cant think of ONE that isn't disturbing...at christmas a bearded fat man sneaks into your house drinks your milk and mince pies then leaves some cheap toys and flies off easter..well the easter bunny leaves CHOCOLATE in your garden halloween...well ill quote the nihgtmare bbefore christmas "boys and girls of every age wouldn't you like to see SOMETHING strange" then theres good sunday...well its disturbing enough to beleive we cook jesus's body, put beans on it and eat it isnt it?
Don't I know it
...Wow you are so cool
ill start from thre begining! We're no strangers to looooove you know the rules and so do ia fulkl commitments what nim thinkin' of yoiu wouldn't get this from any other guy
I'm sure I read somewhere that Aqua created castle oblivion
KH1...Well for me figuring out the god damned thing (e.g. where to go, why, I was very lost) kh2...well I thought it was really sad when goofy got hit by the rock I actually thought he'd died D: COM I must say the final repliku fight(sora) was a complete ASS and it took me so long i put it down for a couple of months before going back on and beating him 358/2 days...Well it disapointed me that it wasn't very free-roaming...if it wasnt for the restrictions itd have been god
Well hun I promise you its not wierd most of that is just personal cxhoice and something many many people are the same with...i love every kind of music from rock to r+b to rap i like any old thing...i cant hurt anyone...i know zillions of people that draw eyes...your just as normal as anyone but of course your satill unique if thats what you mean by wierd
well okay i founded it meself.,.,.cans I has tamaki please?
OOC: can I be Tamaki then please?
OOC: eh? I didnt realise he was taken according to the main list all the ouran characters are free...never mind then
OOC: Can I take Hikaru please?
welcome back...in case you dont remember who i am ill recap you by saying im that guy with a face and hair
38384 people pressing charges for these rhymes
same..no matter what people try to do to me i never try to get bavck at em...the most violent thing ive done was stab someone with a pencil...i...
im so sick - flyleaf
In all truth...I'd ring my dad make him bring the whole family...and id hug everypne...and keep hugging till the end
I write sins not tragedies - panic! at the disco