Hey guys! I'm bringing back the dead Bleach group xD I'm not gonna put too much effort into this first post for now since I'm lazy but I'll make a better intro later! But yes, Welcome back to the new Bleach Family <3 It's been a while since it's been active and I wanted to return to it to discuss fangirl over what's currently happening in the manga! So join on in and let's have a good ol' time like we used to! =D Member of the Family Shinigami Kensei Muguruma - itachilives741 Momo Hinamori/IceFail - Arch Ichigo Kurosaki - StardustXtreme Kisuke Urahara - Jaden Yuki Kenpachi Zaraki - TheWorldThatNeverWas Toshiro Hitsugaya - Doc Yachiru Kusajishi - Myst Espada Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck - (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Ulquiorra Schiffer - moshi Coyote Starrk - Machina Tia Harribel - Llave de Espada Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez - Hayato Vizards Shinji Hirako - Boy Wonder (lilbueno) Quincy Uryu Ishida - Reinzel Juhabach - Llave de Espada (pt. 2) Human Other
Let's move it along people
posting like a bi- *shot*
posting posting posting
Posting to move it along
Reaching it finally. Hopefully before I go to class.
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back... ribs.
Good work. ; ; I shall bake cookies to help.
DUN LOCK THE THREAD! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE THIS THREAD REACH IT'S POINT! I worry. ; ; I've been trying but I keep killing the thread.
Frankly it's starting to get very boring. i just want this to end more than I want to win. ; ;[DOUBLEPOST=1349139004][/DOUBLEPOST] We only have 20 more ; ;
Congrats to Crimson on finally getting prem. But yeah, I wonder if this is ever going to end.
I forgot this is still going on.
You'd be swimming in wishes more like it. Or at the very least, for the amount of times I've killed this thread.
You all are so very cruel ; ;
Haha nice. Anywho, seems like this thing died when I came on T^T
Haha what is this? xD
Let's do this ****! =D
Oh you guys are finally close haha