Demy- definately so true don't hurt me please I'm your son! Vexen- no you're not. Demy- omigosh! I'm YOUR son!!!! Vexen- NO.
Laguna- *to Aerith* awww! Why NOT? you're a pretty girl. I'm sure you'll find someone really special. A pretty girl like you should never have to settle.
Demy- yea. Vexen probably had a kid with Marluxia and named it Larxene. Shes been with so many guys, we could ALL be her children.
Laguna- who?
Laguna- kids huh? I'm looking for a kid. A little girl actually. Shes really special. Geez, I sound like I'm her father...
Vexen- thank you. *takes money* Demy- now you can give me my allowance! Vexen- I am NOT your FATHER.
Try Yeasayer. Its got an odd futuristic sound, its interesting. You'll either love it or hate it, but I'm interested to hear what you think
Yeah. I'm more of an oldies fan. I like Genesis
Alright! I finally helped with something! Awesome!
Vexen- I hope you intend on paying me soon.
Laguna- sweet cherry pie. Speaking of pie, I want some.
I like to hear the bass, it gives off a sweet vine that makes me tingle. But you can't let it get too heavy or it hurts my ears. And guitar solos...
Demy- hey Xiggy... WATER you doing underwater? Hahahaha! Vexen- *hand zene bleach* you BETTER pay me for this. Don't use too much, its heavily concentrated.
Yeah. I just want regular, free recording software so I can be part of the khv chorus. But my computer is from the stone age, so there's like...
Demy- IVE GOT WATER!!!! Vexen- why should I let you have my bleach? Demy- DANCE, WATER! DANCE! *splashes Zene+Jake*
I see. Haha. I'm just messing around on these rpgs. I WAS trying to figure out what recording software to download onto my computer, but its hard...
Laguna- yeah... I haven't been here before because the woman I wanted to marry used to own a bar and so I hung out there but now I'm searching for somebody... well, the main reason I'm here is because I'm lost.
Ah, you know, just procrastinating so I don't have to clean my house.
Laguna- hmm... whatever you have is fine. You remind me of somebody. Huh. Weird. Nice to meet you Tifa.
Demy- awww. Puppy says hes sorry. Vexen- why does he look so frantic?