Laguna- *mind blown* what just happened?
Demy- I wonder where you came from
Dang, flames? Ouch. That's cool though!
Laguna- well as long as you don't dislike me as a person. *to Riku* forgive me, I'm Laguna. You must be Riku, its nice to meet you.
That's cool. How'd you get it free?
Demy- you're pretty weird too puppy...
Laguna- I don't think I don't like him... but I'm not sure how he feels about me....
Laguna- I should ask you the same question! Uhm... Squall.
Laguna- oh yeah. You'd think I would've remember an intro like that.
Exactly. Real life situations never go the way I want them to. But the image of how I want it to go always gives me inspiration.
Demy- you're weird, man...
Laguna- hi! My names Laguna! You have some weird hair.
That's what I do! Only, more realistic fiction, not sci fi.
Laguna- well in that case, I'll stick around and wait for some action.
Demy- omgeeeeee!!!!! Jake can speak puppy?!!!!!
Laguna- so you gonna put her down for a nap? This place sure is lively, huh?
Thanks! Its my way of getting my feelings out since I'm not very good at talking to people.
Laguna- he must really hate this Riku dude. *to Katia in a high pitched baby voice* who could ever get bored of you? You are so cute------*regains manliness* uhm, here, you should take this baby.