Laguna- oh my god!!!! Are you alright miss?
Yo buddy! I been good, hbu?
Demy- heel puppy. If you eat off vexens face i will probably die.
Laguna- I like it.
Vexen- ghhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!
Laguna- I've only been to fancy bars located in 5 star hotel rooms where pretty girls play piano.
Demy- hey Marluxia, once you obtain Kingdom hearts, can I have a spleen? Vexen used mine to create repliku and xion. Vexen: a. I used your KIDNEYS. b. Kingdom hearts isn't going to be able to provide you with either a kidney or a spleen.
Laguna- okay for real, this is the best bar I've ever been to.
Laguna- wasn't me! I promise! Whoooo you guys are intense.
Demy- Senegal, why are you staring at saïx puppy?
Laguna- you missed the baby. She was cute.
Demy- go take a nap puppy
Laguna- I shouldn't trust any of you. But I do. Cuz I'm a nice guy. That's probably gonna come back and kick me in the butte later though...
Laguna- oh yeah!!!!! Think about the children!!!!
Demy- don't listen to them, saïx puppy. Or I won't be your person anymore. Vexen- shes only going to find a way to not get hurt anyway.
Laguna- sometimes the stupidest things can have the greatest effect on a persons life.
Laguna- hmmmm.... no.
Demy- no fighting. Doggies shouldn't fight.
Laguna- hi! I'm Laguna!
Vexen- dont fight.