Vexen- *gives Demyx earplugs that block out the sound of WG.* Demy- ooo! Are these new earbuds? Vexen- uhm....suuure. Demy- neato!
Laguna- ...............
Demy- the voices in my head are talking to me again Vexen make it stop.
Demy- I love this cuppycake.
Laguna- I'll just shut up.
Vexen- this cross over is entirely out of line. This is what I ease trying to avoid the first time! Demyx! Hit the switch on that machine behind you! Demy- can I just flip the switch instead of hitting it? Vexen- yes fine, but hurry! Demy- *flips switch* *Everyone forgets about the "real world"*
Mkay. Sounds good
Laguna- what?!
Demy- too many big words.... but did I hear birthday? I want a vanilla cupcake!!! With buttercream icing and sprinkles and in the shape and color of a buttercup!
Laguna- I can help!!! I'm a GREAT influence on kids!!!
Demy- if you're gonna be the ruler, does that mean YOU can grant wishes too?!
Laguna- well at least you have the decency to do that------ I MEAN you should communicate your feelings so that you don't need to hide.
Hmmm... 1pm your time is still 2pm my time and I'll still be at school then
Laguna- don't cry, Tifa. Just remember. Whenever you feel sad, just stop being sad and be awesome instead.
Ooooh! Whats Adams skype name?
Laguna- that's right! Be the better person!
Demy- this is trippy. Vexen am I high? Vexen- I don't think so... I see it too.
Laguna- you go ahead, I'll stay down here
Vexen- Demyx is Jewish. Demy- I actually am that. And wish gods aren't kosher.
Laguna- he has a point with the hitting on girls thing. At least he knows how to do it.