Laguna - uhemm.... hi! I'm Laguna! And you're not quite as sexy as moi
Demy- oh noes! Are you okay Xiggy?! Bad puppy, be nice or I'll send you to the kennel. You have to be nice to me AND my buddies, understand?
Demy-Saïx puppy... apologize to Xiggy. Or I won't give you a salt biscuit. Vexen- salt biscuit? Demy- salt is good! Dogs love salt! Vexen- ehmm... no they don't.
Laguna- hi! My names Laguna Loire. Do you mind if I sit and have a drink with you?
Demy- YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Vexen- I concur.
Well, from what you've said, I may just borrow recoded from my cousin instead of buying it. I wanna make sure I'm ready to commit to purchasing it...
Demy- hey Xiggy, if Xion's poppet, can I be rockit?