Oh yes you do! (Especially your eyes) But no-I love scary and gorey blood socked movies but seeing the Tanning Bed scene is Uch!!!
Ryoku kissed back passionately Well..I think so too...Again! OOC-Is hot springs suppost to be a Spa or Geezers?
Okay-Kwl ^^ (Word to the wise-Never watch Final Destination 3 alone in your house while eating cornflakes -_-)
OOC-I suppose Ryoku kissed Miteta-Im sorry about the stuff I said-Honestly.
lol-No seriously-Is there such thing as a time when people have to do bad things for a good reason?
O.o So there's no grey areas?
OOC-I know a 35 year old man who is a virgin because he is paralysed from the waist down-He has a girlfriend and is Successful and really smart-Its sorta impossible to have normal sexual relations when your wheelchair bound-Its unfair but there it is.
-Shakes head- Its a screwed up world out there.
OOC-em-Ryoku cant move below his waist-How the **** can he...ya know??
I kinda like her too but I was kinda like "Not Really" because-You may have read on the news-A 15 year old was murdered here in Dublin by two 30...
Ryoku smiled while kissing her Haha-I know what your thinking... he thought rhythmically.
Nope-Its kinda...Sloppy-Example-My big sisters best friend fancys me and today she asked "Are Ya meetin' Me?" which is Dublinesse for "Ya wanna...
He smiled "Well so am I..." He kissed Miteta....
-Hugs Randomly- Thank You!! -Bear Hugs- Tracksuits is Ugly arnt they xD -Hugs Tightly- Thank you for understanding! XDD
Is flattering herself! xD
Ryoku got closer "Why would I be nervous?" he smiled-He could feel the warmth of Miteta's lips on his-Despite the fact that they weren't touching.
Nah-I dont really care about how I look-As long as I have long hair xD Its just here in Dublin everyone wears tracksuits-I HATE tracksuits-And...
Definitely has cute eyebrows xD
Don't laugh-Tanning Beds! Ugh-Never been the same since Final Destination 3 Dx I never use them-Never even considered the thought but they scare me shitless =P
Has Cute eyebrows 0.o