I actually made a tread ion my day a few hours ago called "i love long days.." and yeah tell me all about it!
Replyed the exact same time as me O_o
Has corrected my mums mistake xD
Likes dark vador? @Cat<3 Sora Yup ^^
-_- Urban Dictionary- When a person is led to believe that they are in some way more superior to everybody else. Pride is fine up until a point, but as soon as you believe that you are in some special way better than everybody else, you become a dickhead. Emo=Arrogant? So if Im Emo I think im Superior? A large factor of true emo is to stay understated until insulted or ****ed with-This is also true for Rocker,Punk and Skater. But I do agree that people that try too hard to be Emo are Arrogant but otherwise No.
Thinks I have and eyebrow Fetish.
Long days are kinda cool-I just wanted to put that out there-Mainly because Ive had the best day in a long while-I went into Dublin City Centre and just hung out with friends and went looking for a birthday present for my older sister-It was fun because we all just pitched in on everything that ws bought and it was sunny out so we spent a lot of time walking around ^^ A bught a load of stuff with money I found on the bus-(Including my sisters birthday present-A Gothic Chocker and riing with a cartoon monkey on it xD)-The only downside is that I cut my fingerr open while going home on the bus with the spikes on the Chocker-I could see the fat cells in my finger and had to get stiches xD So-It was a long day but it was fun-So do you like long days with friends and minor accidents? and if so tell us about the day! ^^
Noted Plum has a light saber in hand xD
Thinks I have Strange Fetish's.
Is reading peoples Auras?
Ryoku put out his hand and held Miteta's hand with a genuine smile-He knew she was here to help...
I pop on from time to time when im not suppost to be on the computer-Why?
Looks like Him/Herself!
What Cha mean? o.O
Shes not sick of you-She just told me-She just doesn't want to talk to you! Calm Down!
No-But she's....sick of you -But dont get all offended! Just calm down and try to sort things out through OOCs on a tread or something!
He smiled "Yeah...I suppose" he felt the uneasiness lift from him..
I cant really say I agree -_- But anyways I G2G-Bye!!
L? you sure xD G2G sorry -Hugs-
To you too! I almost got caught in the middle of a riot this Easter-U? ^^