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  1. SoraUchiha
    It's a fetus-Like a chickens egg (Best example I could come up with) Its suppost to grow into a larger organism.

    When can we say that the baby is a living human being?-Cant say really-If I was to guess id say when the brain heart or spine starts to develop.

    What is the legal definition of murder and does it apply to the fetus?-When one willingly kills another-Yes-In my opinion-As I said-Its suppost to grow into a larger organism,and in this case-a human being.

    What if the mother was raped and impregnated?
    -Becoming Pregnat agaist ones will doesnt stop a mother to love her child-Even if (Im very sorry to say) wasnt intended

    What if the baby has small chance of living or a good chance of killing the mother through childbirth?-Than its difficult and I will admit-different.

    What if the baby will be born with a disability?-So what! Even if the child has a disability who is to say it should die?!

    What if the baby will be born into a terrible life?-Everyone has a change to change their life-Every single one of us.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. SoraUchiha

    I was walking around the city centre with my big sister and we walked into a Japanese shop-I thought It was really rich in Japanese culture so we started talking to the shop keeper about how if you wear Gothic clothes in Tokyo nobody would notice and he was really nice so we continued talking-It went on to how if you wear Gothic clothes around Dublin-In most places you'd get knifed down (Which is very true)

    and it got me thinking-One day I was attacked outside a store in pure daylight-I was beaten by three 17 year olds (I was 12) to a point I could hardly walk. It was cault on CCTV and there were by passers-I started wondering-Why didn't anybody stop the "Fight"-I mean it was being recorded on a phone (And I dont know if the video is still in circulation) and Nobody tried to assist me until they ran away and I was bleeding on the ground alone.

    I dont really care about it now but I would like too ask-Do you think everyone is to cowardly to assist someone in my then situation?
    Thread by: SoraUchiha, Apr 8, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. SoraUchiha
    Abortion is sick-(But that is coming from me-I think all murder in any way,Shape or Form-It's just who I am) But how could someone live with themselves knowing that they stopped an innocent baby basically existing >=[
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. SoraUchiha
    Necrophagist-Offal Fermented Discharge
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. SoraUchiha
  6. SoraUchiha
    Dances with Flames?
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  7. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku smiled-Looking at Miteta's smile-The smiled he loved-Ryoku splashed Miteta with salt water under the moonlight....They both laughed but Ryoku had the gut instinct he was being watched-His eyes flicked to the cliffs-Were he found Kayoko was watching them...He tried to shake off the thought but gave up...
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SoraUchiha
  9. SoraUchiha
    Is secretly the Queen of the Hentaian Underworld xD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku looked up at Miteta quite suddenly "Em...Wow-" he looked down at his legs,then back at Miteta "-I never really-" he inhaled and talked with his hands in a very Latin way "-I didn't really know it was that easy." He smiled
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SoraUchiha
    Bring me the Horizon-Who wants Flowers when their dead? Nobody.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  12. SoraUchiha
    Has a long username.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  13. SoraUchiha
    Bring Me The Horizon - Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  14. SoraUchiha
    Obviously knows f*** all about me xD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  15. SoraUchiha
    Isn't legitimately Irish but still is Irish =P
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  16. SoraUchiha
    STILL possibly has a melted face! xD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  17. SoraUchiha
    Still possibly has a melted face. XD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. SoraUchiha
    Has a melted face xD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. SoraUchiha
    Likes my avatar and should know that's me =]
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. SoraUchiha
    "Oh yeah-" he smiled "-Hm...A spa...not really my thing-" he laughed "-But whatever-It sounds fun!"
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home