is reading this question "Not even if I try?" O.o
Well do you like long days that work out well?
*Attacks and bites head off* Not when im done wiv you! xD
[MARQUEE]Knows im Crazy but is unaware of the fact that they are infact just sa crazy as I XD[/MARQUEE]
yes but when the lose their fingers they cant longer hold the knife-can they? xD
Spearmint...oh! What a lovely smell and after taste xD
is correct xD
AC/DC? Uch!
Orange Juice! Oh noooo!!!
Oh my gosh-You have no idea how many say ''You Are a Pirate" to me! -_- just cuz of that stupid beanie with a skull and cross bones-But dont worry-ILL GET MY REVENGE!!!! *grrrr*
I do know about this stuff and understand it better than most so I know what im talking about when I say-Anybody who harms a child has enough power do stop themselves-Despite the rage or whatever their feeling...But I find it disgusting that they dont.
Found out how to do [MARQUEE]this[/MARQUEE] by accident lol
I'm currently reading Twilight to find out what the fuss is all about-I haven't put it down in 13 hours-Its really good but there are some big flaws,Despite those flaws its one of the best books ive ever read but even then I cant really understand how someone can go insane like that about a media fueled Movie based on an Okay enough book-I feel sorry for Robert Patterson to have been mixed up in something so big out of something that was 'from humble beginnings'
Flyleaf-Cassie (Does anyone else Notice the glitch on this tread???)
p.s Why havent you replayed to Pappy academy?
Taught me how to do..... [marquee]THIS![/marquee] ^^
WTF-You volunteered for the Special Olympics??
Isnt it against the law to prevent one from joining a team because of Gender,Race or Colour and besides in my old school there was this girl and she was better than the whole boys team put together! and she won several tournaments for them!
My own mother was abused like that as a teenager-Im not suppost to know about it but my older sister doest share the same father as me-Do the math-My mum still loves her with all her heart....I think I know what im talking about. Life is Life-We dont know how its going to turn out unless we give it a chance.