yeah i still play only cuz of cheats but i play and its awesome its fun and has unique characters such as dark riku, zisa, phantom, ice titan, etc
man theres more life out there for sure but the universe is huge so i dought that nay one is watchin us or anything but theres more life forms out there
created world like twilight town or TWTNW disney worlds kinda sucked
chocobo its a good keyblade but ugly
thanks hey check that out wen u can
for real
theres a bunch and playable characters such as riku, leon, etc check the code vault oh and you need either code breaker or action replay gameshark too but i dont recommend it it sucks for ps2 cheats
theres many versions of the riku code i think he means version 5 of riku
kingdom hearts is awesome i finished it pretty quick kh2 is better though well welcome and have fun
lol dam wen i fell off i had to restart i cant wait to play as dark riku
i already beat him but he was so hard rami said that he was goin to fix the difficulty im not sure if he did but dam wen you got in his head...
easy? i got irritated cuz it was so hard
we'd rather see lesbian action plus straight people dont wanna see gay scenes we dont have a problem with it just dont wanna see it its chill though everyones different
i cant wait for episode 3 or dark riku
both episodes?
still 20 songs in a row is too much
alrigh i appreciate it its good tell me wat you think wen you are done
man dats bs
nice thats good cuz gettin embarassed and backin down wont get u nowere
oh alrigh i seen a bunch of youtube vids of people rappin out their favorite songs and stuff