and for that i cant wait
cool cant wait and remember dont make bosses too hard lol
lol well i hope its soon
hey do you know wen carey might release that code/dump or watever it is?
cool i was gonna recommend her to ask you but i know you dont like being bothered with codes so i didnt but nice
wats sup
i prefer kh2 because the story line, gameplay, and animation are much better
well sora planned on leaving the island without even thinking about his parents its like him and riku dont care about them
later i guess
just go to the first post all the play as codes are there sadly they are DMA but theres a play as riku with soul eater and with wooden sword but no dark riku theres also a play as leon and some others
well as we grow so does our need for money and greed and unemployment is big and people are goin hungry so theres more crimes also theres just bad people and deadly weapons that anyone can have so i think that it'll keep gettin worse as time goes by
i guess i'd make her a fighter too
i collect CDs not coppies but original ones brom my favorite singers
well its all been said lets just hope that the movie isnt a disappointment
dark magic or something kinda like something like death that your enemy dies in a certain amount of time like on other final fantasy games and like the phantom from kh1
that song is awesome and it helps me when things get hard
nice! i wonder wat other stuff i missed
lol alrigh have fun
lil wayne is alrigh though i barely listen to him but i dont know about t-pain still bone thugs are above them all on any level
searching for safety another one from the bluford series