really? link please im interrested in da results lol well im only interrest in knowin about this 2 in the awards theres many other choices plus advent wasnt in it
lol possibly but im curious if im the only hater agaisnt them
Who do you think is worse? well i havent run into them in a while but still dislike them both well i forgot to open it so its a private poll meaning no one can see wat you picked to vote away
why wouldnt it be possible?
it would be nice to see all your rep
wat was your plan?
on wat?
thats how it is and it'll keep getting worse but thats life
dam had i known i would have gone cuz shes a badass hardcore gangster lol jk
actually i live in florida and the only thing you can do is give theachers a homework from to fill out so you can at least do it yeah its always 2 weeks doesnt go above it if it does they just send you to an opportunity school instead
on the gba a couple of weeks
4 weeks is a month wats atos?
still you are lying 4 weeks is way too much 10 days its the tops plus in those 4 weeks you can get so many ''z''s you wouldnt pass
dats bs the top is 10 plus with a month outdoor you'd fail the year
a whose month on outdoor suspension for fighting?
ok um whose mimi? and that punishement is so retarted still better than mines when i last got suspended was fighting i got 10 days out door and threatened with opputunity school next time so you guys got off easy
well so far 2 episodes have been made hes working on the 3rd here they are
well i dont think any one can help but i might as well try well a couple of month ago my computer was workin just fine then one day i try to turn it on and it says: "theres been a change in the hard drive, please insert CD" or something but it didnt come with a cd and wen i put exit it loads and takes me back to same thing and im using my moms comp and she got pissed and put a password so i can barely use it now so i need help
poeple killing a bunch of natsis awesome
ugh i have to read this book called "the rule of 4" or something like that its a book about two guys obsessed with a book lol no lie