Yes, exactly. The post I'm supposed to respond to is on around page 160, right?
I know right?~ Don't worry. I just need to study tonight, then I shall be free... for maybe one or two days.
Green always prevails. On Christmas we share milk and cookies... oh golly the cravings.
Would you believe that I ate it? true story Actually, I'm very busy. x.x
Let me make you a deal. If it snows again, I will take pictures for you. They were so young. >:'c
Aw, thank you! It would be very nice if I did make it. Llave de Espada would also look very shmecksy in red. Thanks, I did. No matter how many...
Definitely. xD Just for today. I got snow over the winter, but now it is melting. ;__; Nuuuu~ My friends! :c
O_O I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. That's good to hear. It shows. Just sent my application. I probably won't become a staff...
Nah, it's fine. You were close. xD It's decent. Not too cold. Not too hot. The way I like it. lol Yummy!~ I love French Fries. You're lucky. c:
That's what I thought you would say. Probably because I can see you becoming a Sectional Moderator. Cleanin' up all of those spammers. As long...
Yeah, thanks. I'd like to do that kind of stuff. What staff position would you go for? (if you aren't already) Oh right. There's no rush, really. c:
D'you think I would make a good News Reporter? ;o probably not Anyways, welcome back!
Actually, I live in Canada. xD Close, though. Brazil is an awesome place to live.
Good golly. That's quite a lot to study for. I am sure you'll do fine. Hah, yes. It is about 5:20 PM. What time is it, where you live?
That's quite a long time to study. I study for thirty minutes and then I get side-tracked. xD Which class? Weeeeeeeeeeell, I am supposed to be...
Hah. No kidding. *slaps Adam's carcass*
Whaa-? Slap that silly boy across ze face!
Nice to meet you "meh." o; How are you, this evening?
LOL. Aren't we all? I'm supposed to be studying. >_>
I know right? Very exciting.