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  1. Krown
  2. Krown
  3. Krown
    Hey, SA! How's it going?
    Profile Post by Krown for Sora's Apprentice, Apr 6, 2012
  4. Krown
  5. Krown
  6. Krown
  7. Krown
  8. Krown
  9. Krown
  10. Krown
  11. Krown
  12. Krown
    I would like to reserve Dead Master, from Blackā˜…Rock Shooter.
    Post by: Krown, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Krown
    Normally, any average person would have been creeped out, from being watched that long, but oddly enough, "O" Moka was used to it. "That must have been tiring." The pink-haired vampire smiled.
    Kokoa brushed one of her pig-tails. "Yeah, it has been hell, but I love it." The red-head then started to ramble on about some of the battles, failing to notice that Mizore was not paying attention to her anymore.
    "O" Moka's smiled quickly faded. "No... no, I haven't seen him. I have been worried..."
    After walking in unnoticed, "I" Moka slowly walked back out of the ship that almost killed them. "Hey guys! I think you may want to check this out." She was pointing inside of the ship. "I believe I have found Mister Lover-Boy."
    Post by: Krown, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Krown

    Ohai hai~

    Welcome to KHV, sweetie.
    It's great to have you here.
    Enjoy yourself~ <3
    Post by: Krown, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Krown
  16. Krown
  17. Krown
  18. Krown
  19. Krown
  20. Krown