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  1. Sessamaru
    Triple post of doom!

    Folks, I'm going to be a tad bit late in posting. I'm in a lot of RPs, so it's going to take me a bit to recuperate. I also wish for a post from everyone else.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    I apologize for the lack of decent posting. I'm so far gone and I've been so busy, it's hard to get back into character. I'm sorry.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru

    Lucifer Bedlam

    Lucifer walked in and sat down, sighing pleasantly as he got to rest. Despite the urgency in the air, Lucifer stretched in his chair, yawning. "May I have some tea?" He asked politely. "It's tea time, and I would hate to late. Punctuality makes tea time sweeter." He said, smiling. His eyes were not fixed to anything in particular, gazing into space and looking upon something beyond the comprehension of normal people. Lucifer cackled madly, as if he had remembered a joke of some sort, clapping his hands. "Yes, I would enjoy to have crumpets with me tea, too." He added.


    Peter Piper Pepper

    Peter stared at the queen with cold eyes, but said nothing. He bowed low, turning and glaring at Evalotte. He didn't like Evalotte being in control with such a magnificent toy, especially when it was a living being who should be doing his bidding. But he kept his temper in check and walked forward, following after his sister. Heading back to his room, Peter decided to sleep. They would have to go at the crack of dawn and appear as two children escaping the Queen's clutches. He, himself, was a good enough actor, but Evalotte... she was royalty. She would have to don something less conspicuous.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sessamaru
    Ack! I must've missed that XD

    Ah, I see.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    So, no fall damage from falling off tall building? High jumps? And/or the possibility of running up walls *cough*KH:FMSecretEnding*cough* '>.>

    By the way, is it just me, or is Sleeping Lion and Lionheart have the same image link? They look too identical x.x
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    lol, I would have to pull something out of my arse to make that miracle happen XD

    Awesome! Sounds good to me. Should be interesting.

    Erm... stupid question: the physics are as surreal as they are in the KH series, right? '>.>
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sessamaru
    lol, understood. I'll just make him a minor antagonist. I love playing as villains, after all. Anywho, thanks ^^
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sessamaru
    I find it hilarious that I had started a trend. Accidentally of course.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sessamaru
    Username: Sessamaru
    Name: Kei
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Keyblade: Kingdom Key --> Master Keeper
    Magic: Blizzard
    Keystone: Sky Stone
    Personality: Kei is a kind, gentle youth who seeks adventure. He isn't very bright, but he isn't very dumb, either. He tends to be clever and mischievous at times, and even displays some ability of perception. Kei is loyal and sympathetic, always willing to put himself into harms way to help people. Kei is quite headstrong when focused on something immensely important (such as friends or enemies). Due to being a stubborn-sort of person, he doesn't seem to know how to "give up" and he only moves forward, always smiling. He loves making friends and creating bonds, and always seems to make promises no matter how absurd they seem. He's willing to keep those promises and will never cast them aside, which at times seems to burden him, though he bares it with bright eyes and a grin. He particularly enjoys seeing children happy and has an "addiction" towards sweets. He always appears to eat twice his body-weight and still remain slender.
    Other: Kei means "Light" in Japanese; it also has a close spelling to "Key", despite not being pronounced as such.

    Edit: Oh, may I reserve Kuja? I would totally love to play as him '>.>
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru
    Dream Sequence (2)

    The bonfire was lit outside the hut, the night was young, the moon full, and the wind was warm and gentle. The orphans were gathered around the fire, laughing and joking. All save one. Ulrich sat upon a stump, some distance away from the fire, brooding. The memories of his foster parents, of his old friends and home, filled his mind. He remembered those times, but the memories were bittersweet. When he thought back to those fun times, those innocent peaceful times, all he saw were flames. Fire and blood, rivers upon rivers of pain and misery, filled his vision.

    "Ulrich," spoke a soft, gentle voice. Ulrich snapped to and glanced at the person who called him. Sadness, and a much stronger emotion, came over him. Before him was a tall, willowy woman wearing a red leather trench coat. Her hair was long and dark, curling here and there, complementing her tan skin. Her eyes were almond-shaped, their hue a bright ochre. Her slender lips curled into a cat-like smile, teasing and affectionate. Beneath the folds of her coat, she wore leather pants and white tennis shoes, whilst wearing a tight black shirt. She was slightly taller than the fifteen year old Ulrich, too, towering over him by a mere three inches. She was the anti-thesis of Ulrich... loving, open... innocent.

    "Ulrich, why are you over here? You've been with us for over a year now... why don't you celebrate with us?" She asked. "It's your anniversary, you know. I'm sure Kaylee would love to have you near the fire again."

    "Rose..." Ulrich murmured. She wasn't too much older than him, only by a couple of years. She was the only one who he considered his peer. "I... I don't feel comfortable barging in on your peaceful family. It's rude of me, and I'm not like you all. This life-style..."

    "Pish-posh," Rosie teased. "Peace is a life-style suited for everyone, good or bad. We're your family. We love you. Now come. Stop feeling sorry for yourself." Ulrich stared at her with empty eyes, the same eyes he possessed since his new life began... the life of revenge, of senseless murder. How many towns and villages had he left abandoned? Ulrich shook his head. He never knew guilt, and the regret he felt was undeniably painful. It was her fault...

    "I'm fine..." Ulrich replied.

    "You may act mature for your age, Ulrich," she began, her tone sharp. "But you're just a child. You're not fine. You're hurt. You lost everything... you did horrible things, and you're too scared of your own emotions! Why can't you start anew? Why can't you love those helpless children, who see you as an older brother? What about Kaylee?" She chastise, her smile fading and tears in her eyes. Ulrich frowned. He knew she was as sharp as a diamond, even when he taught her how to play chess. He lost to her numerous times on her first go-around.

    "Those children aren't helpless," he murmured. "They're just like you and I... they have power. They can fend for themselves..." Ulrich's tone was bitter, and Rosie flinched.

    "Ulrich Ravenhardt!" She exclaimed sharply. "They're children! They're helpless, even if they have power. If they use it for all the wrong reasons---"

    "They'll be just like me. A murderer, an empty shell. A monster." Ulrich interrupted. Before he knew it, Rosie slapped him. He felt red hot pain upon the side of his cheek, but Ulrich remained stoic.

    "They're just children... no child should cause suffering, nor should they suffer... we were given a gift, to spring new life to help those who are in desperate need... we're every bit human as they are!" She cried, tears running down her face.

    Ulrich was stunned, shocked. Rosie spoke a taboo, of leveling witches and wizards equally to those of normal humans. He didn't know how to respond, he just sat there, speechless. Rosie turned away from him, and over her shoulder, she said to him.

    "We are meant to bring peace and prosperity to the chaos of the world. We know the pains of normal people, and even more pain than that... our hearts resonate with emotions that speak to those suffering around us. We are not monsters, but guardians. In time, the people will know that we are there for them... in time, they will need us..."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru
    Ugh... I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. Either I was busy or when I started to get to work on a post, I would stop half way to sleep and then lose the ENTIRE post by the time I wake up. I'll get a post in soon. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru
    My ass I'll call him Jell-O! He's still either "Sparky" or "Sparkles" to me :P

    Edit: Also, awesome song, mate.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru


    Faust smiled as the young woman answered the question, and smiled widely when she admitted she couldn't answer the other question. But that question was irrelevant... for now. "Well, well..." he said with amusement. "It appears you're not all hopeless. Normally I would have seven or a hundred students sitting in my classroom writing down the Taboos, in perfect order, until carpal tunnel set in. But it appears you answered my primary question flawlessly, if not a bit hesitantly. Nevertheless, you are spared from the arduous task of writing the laws. Please, everyone, congratulate her for sparing you the fate of wasting my time." Faust went on, glancing around. He took a heavy drag of his cigarette and blew out a large cloud of smoke. "As for my last question... I knew none of you could answer it. I only wanted to see if you were stupid enough to think you know the unknowable... well, not unknowable to me."

    He took a short puff this time and sighed. "Now,the Nexus is also known as the 'Eternal Threads', for it is believed the Nexus existed since the dawn of Time and Space and will exist after the death of Time and Space. Since the Death of the Gods, man has relied solely on science and magic. It is unknown if the gods truly existed, but the cults you find will spread the words of the Dead Gods and the newer cults will shout that the New Gods have come and that the end is nigh. This is what happens when people forget the existence of the Nexus, a primordial essence that has been here since before the birth of the gods... they believe in a faith that is borderline blasphemy. Because of this, the priests are not attune to magic as you will all soon be... if one must be a powerful spellcaster, one must first understand the mechanics and fundamentals of the Nexus. Knowledge is power, and power on its own is an empty thing. Now... any questions before I continue?"
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru


    Faust looked to Tahlia and measured her. He smiled. "Yes, Miss," he said with a smile. "You may speak your answer. If you answer this correctly, and in order, you'll gain extra credit. However, if you do not list them in order, you'll have stay after class and list them in order one hundred times on the chalk board. However, I'll throw the ball into your court... I'll add a bonus question for redemption. What is the fundamental element of the Nexus?"
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru


    "No questions?" He asked, his tone sad. "Ah well... I suppose you'll all have questions during the lecture." He added, turning his back to the students. He took a deep breath and grabbed the chalk for the chalkboard. In swift and precise movements, he began drawing a diagram of something that was fairly complex. "The Nexus..." he began, his tone bored. "It is the source of all magic. Magic is drawn from the life of all things, therefore the Nexus is the life-force of all things. We live and we die, forever connected to the Nexus. Sometimes, the Nexus favors a select few and grants them great capacity of casting magic. This capacity is mental endurance. Casting spells will drain your mental stamina and may even have spiritual effects. The stronger the spell, the greater the risk... you could die from this." Faust explained mechanically.

    "However, there are a few select schools of magic that defy the Laws of the Nexus. They are what we call the Great Taboos, and they are forbidden. It is the magic of the Gods. These taboos suck the very life-force from the Nexus and the planet... and even nearby celestial bodies. Because of this, there are scars upon the land. These scars appear as scorched earth and nothing can grow there. These are great wounds that can never regenerate. Now, who here can name me the Great Taboos of Magic?" He asked, turning to look at the class. If the students were to look at the board, they would see a great network of streams made up of difficult equations. The mathematical formulae was overtly complex and could only be deciphered by a genius... or a madman.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    Dream Sequence (1)

    It was a bright, sunny day on the farm. Richie, Kaylee, and Ed were playing outside the hut, throwing around and kicking a worn rubber ball. Richie was the eldest of the three children, only nine years old. His hair was black and it poked in every possible and impossible direction. He even wore a headband around his forehead. Richie was pale of skin, had bright hazel eyes, and constantly smiled (though he was missing a canine). He was considered the bravest of the three kids. He wore a normal, dirty white T-shirt, torn blue jeans, and worn-out shoes. Kaylee was the youngest, only seven years old, and had bright brown hair that complemented her innocent blue eyes. She wore a white skirt with a dirty blue top, with straw sandals. She seem timid and shy, but nevertheless she was having fun. Her skin was fair and soft, her face heart-shaped. She would've grown up to be a beautiful woman. Ed, the second oldest, was only eight years of age and had fiery red hair that covered most of his face and a quarter of his shoulder. His eyes were a sharp green, and he wore a black shirt with dark blue shorts and worn out shoes. He was easy to anger, but was more bark than bite.

    They kicked the ball around, laughing and taunting one another. Ulrich watched them as he tried to remained unnoticed by the children. He was only fifteen and didn't talk much. He accurately labelled them by their elements: Richie was a wind-user, Kaylee was a water-user, and Ed was a fire-user. Despite his own morose mood, he couldn't help but smile at their jeering and merrymaking. It was Ulrich's fifteenth birthday, or so he believed, and thus the children were celebrating.

    One of the children accidentally kicked the ball too far, making it fly and bounce towards Ulrich, who tried his best to curl himself into the hay. It did him no good when Kaylee chased after it, shouting at Ulrich to return the ball with a wide smile on her face. Ulrich's somber eyes drifted to the ball, and from just glancing at it, a small cyclone of dust halted and lifted the ball into the air. He gently released the ball to bounce towards Kaylee. She grabbed the ball and made her way to Ulrich. "Come play with us, grouch," Kaylee demanded, smiling. "It's your birthday, you should be having fun. Come play with us, please!"

    Ulrich stared dumbly at her, frowning. She was like a little sister to him, and ever since he arrived, she was always tagging along with Ulrich. Rosie had introduced them, and when he first met her, she was scared, hiding behind her "older sister". However, she constantly followed Ulrich when he did his chores, keeping him company and eventually began to talk to him. At night, when the small bonfire was alit, she could lean against Ulrich and fall asleep. Rosie would feign jealously and tease Ulrich, and Ulrich would remain somber.

    "I can't," Ulrich told her gently. "I might hurt you and Richie and Ed. I'm bigger, older, and stronger..." Kaylee pouted, obviously disappointed and crestfallen. "But," he sighed. "I guess I'll try and be gentle." Kaylee glowed happily and held the rubber ball before Ulrich. Ulrich hesitated before grabbing the ball, doing incredible tricks such as holding it with the curve of his boots and then gently kicking it towards his knee. His legs snapped swiftly, juggling the ball to and fro, from knee to knee. He stopped the juggling, letting the ball drop and he kicked it, making it glide across the grass. There was a reverse spin to it that forced it to stop an inch from hitting Richie. All the while, the kids stared astonished at Ulrich, and then cheered.

    "Big bro!" Richie shouted, running towards Ulrich. Ed wasn't too far behind as he followed Richie. "You gotta show me how to do that! That was amazing!" They all said in unison. Ulrich looked at them dumbfoundedly, and then he smiled, laughing softly as he rubbed the back of his head.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    Ulrich glanced at Haley and smiled weakly again. As she passed him, a flash of pain crossed his mind and he clutched his head, a hazy vision coming to his mind. A young child, whose face was blurred and whose hair was similar to his own back then but the color of snow in contrast to his dark hair, stood in an open garden holding a pink ball. The child spoke... though barely audible. _______, are you alright? the child asked. The vision itself faded as swiftly as it came, the pain subsiding slowly. Ulrich felt moisture upon his exposed fingers and he was shuddering. It took him a moment to realize he had stopped walking. He then noted his own breathing was ragged, as if he ran through the arctic. "Who...?" Ulrich asked, his voice numb and barely above a whisper. Another flash of pain passed Ulrich's mind, visions of fire crossing his mind and eyes of lavender glowing with such intensity and rage that it took him aback. He felt afraid at that moment. Ulrich fell to his knees, clutching his head with both hands now and his entire body trembling.The pain had increased tenfold since its first passing. The darkness within the corners of his memory writhed but did not give way to his forgotten past... it did not give way to who his true family was, his true past since before he was orphaned. _______, I'll avenge you... our family...

    Those were the final words he heard before he collapsed upon the floor of the inn.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru
    Ulrich turned to Keel and offered a lazy smile. "Yeah," he said. "I just have a really bad headache... the yelling I did and the appearance of Barkeep," he continued, remembering the name Jo called the giant-of-a-man. "Didn't seem to help any. Not to mention I was woken up by an argument this morning, remember?" Ulrich finished rhetorically. He yawned and made his way to the inn, hands in pocket. There wasn't much of a spring in his step. It seemed like he was dragging his feet, his shoulders heavy with an unknown burden.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    Ulrich saw the sparks igniting between the old woman and Jo, and he was unable to fathom the reason. Jo yelled, either at him or the elderly woman, he didn't know, and ran off. He felt bad. Real bad. With a sigh, he told the woman good-bye and turned back to the group, frowning. He had a somber look to him, his lazy smile now a frown of reminiscence. "Ariana," he began hollowly, not looking at anyone in particular as he spoke. "Go look for Jo... she could use a friend..." he asked more than commanded, his amber eyes far away. Ulrich knew Haley or Andrew would say something, but he was too far gone in his own memories, dwelling on who he used to be, drowning in his own guilt for a moment. They had to survive, and if it meant taking money from people, he had no other alternative... save for doing oddjobs for those generous. "I think," he murmured. "I think I need to rest."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru
    Ulrich felt a sense of foreboding, turning to look at Jo and staring back at the old woman. The earth user remained firm as Jo tugged at him, an inner flame in his eyes as he noticed a challenge. "The entire town would pay us to... go to a cave? What, there some kind of ghost?" He asked, his face serious. Ulrich turned to Jo, staring at her. "Jo," he said softly. "It's not nice to take money without helping people." Ulrich shook his head and glanced at the old woman. "I'll be at your place tomorrow to do some yard work, early in the morning... the break of dawn. It would be nice to get some exercise in, anyway." He said cheerily, smiling again. "Is that alright with you, Miss?"
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home