Maka! I'm gonna be gone this weekend. So if any more updates occur, I won't be able to post until Monday. However, I'm going to try and post before I leave, in response to Firekeyblade so she doesn't get bored in my absence '>.>
lol, alright. And I'll definitely be sure to come back to the RP :P In fact... I might go ahead and post soon, after I finish up a few things...
Sorry to hear that you were sick, mate. But, we're glad you're back and ready to go ^^ As for myself, I'm gonna be gone this weekend, so don't expect posts from me. I'll be back and ready to go Monday, though. Er... if my post isn't to your liking, lemme know now before I have to leave later on tonight.
[Kurai] Kurai looked out the window as they were landing, finally noticing the pouring of shadows. Or, that's what it appeared like. She gasped and quickly rose, bringing forth Kingdom Key D. It was an inverted version of her brother's own keyblade, the Kingdom Key, which had a silver key and a golden guard; whereas her's was a golden key with a silver guard. However, Kurai never paid much notice to it until her brother pointed it out. How that idiot ever came up with that, it's beyond me... she thought. For a moment, Kurai felt sad... but only for a moment. When everyone was heading out, she followed suit. However, she didn't attack like they did, nor did she defend. She just gawked. Shadow Heartless. "Oh my gosh!" She squealed, running to one of them with open arms. She hugged it and cradled it. "They are so cute!" In all honesty, this was her first time ever seeing a Heartless. Especially a Shadow Heartless, which appeared like a child in an oily ghost costume with antennae. "I'll name you George, and I'll hug you, and pet you, and feed you, and..." this went on for a while, and she was unaware of the rest of her surroundings.
OOC: Get KH530 to post, then? Or you respond. Or something. Unless you all want me to post another dream sequence. But, for the most part, I think it's time someone sat Ulrich down in a bed or something and have two particular people return... and I wonder if Midnight is doing alright. She's been a bit tied up lately... maybe her internet is still being a pain?
OOC: I thought we were going to wait until after this arc of yours :/
[Kei] In a matter of moments, they appeared on the ship. Kei already had his own keyblade ready, but when he realized that the crew was... strange... he let his guard down for a moment. When Captain Amelia appeared above them, Kei let go of his keyblade and smiled upwards at her. She leaped down and his smile widened. Risit spoke first, then the feline-captain spoke in turn. When she finished, Kei crossed his arms. "Who are we, you ask?" He replied rhetorically. "We are the apprentices of Yen Sid and we're on a quest to find something our master kept hidden for a long time. In all truth, we're heading to the Etherium." Kei said honestly, though there was a slight question in his tone as to whether or not he pronounced "Etherium" right. ******* [Kurai] Kurai yelped as Beuce abruptly turned the ship, making her fall out of her chair and onto the floor. When Beuce spoke next, she glowered at him. "Yeah right," she growled skeptically, lifting herself from the floor of the gummi. She sighed and sat herself back down onto her seat with a mighty "harrumph!" She couldn't wait for Beuce to land the gummi so she could wack him in the side of his head with her keyblade.
Scratch that! I posted :D
After a short while, Lucifer sat where he was ignoring the events around him as a haze of a dream crossed his eyes. He saw nothing, truly, but his mind saw everything. He began to hear his own brain, hearing it process commands and executions to the numerous parts of his body. His lungs obeyed the words "inhale" and "exhale", his veins complied when his mind commanded his blood to "flow", and even heard the command to his heart "pulse" or "beat". Lucifer heard it all and became more attuned to it, acknowledging it. It was beyond maddening. He began to cackle, his back arching, his eyes wide, and the laughter burst forth fully! He felt the blood pulse in his veins, heard the beating of his own heart, and even heard the many, many echoes of commands operate his entire body. In the midst of his laughter, Lucifer rose to his feet and flipped over a table, simultaneously kicking the chair out beneath him. The cackling became a long series of feral growls, his eyes wide open. In his eyes, the maelstrom of madness could be seen. "Stop it!" Lucifer cried, swinging his cane around like a sword. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stopitstopitstopitstopitstopit! STOP IT!" He repeated, the cane swishing to and fro. He even went as far as rammed his own body against a wall, slamming his head repeatedly against the surface. Lucifer continued this cycle, and it appeared he would not relent without restraints.
Oh no! Maka, I'm having trouble trying to figure out what to say/do in my post ;.;
[Kei] Kei lounged in his seat as they began their journey, looking at the ceiling of the ship with far-away eyes. He really hoped his sister would behave herself, and more so about her safety. Granted, she could handle herself quite well, but he worried. That was what older brothers were for... to worry and care. After a while, Kei became conscious of the surroundings when the ship shook and the siren went off. "Ack!" he spat, dizzy from the impacts. Risit was spouting what sounded like nonsense, but the urgency of his tone made him leap out of his seat. "It's already time to party?" He asked. Kei was quick to begin stretching, pumping himself up for the inevitable battle. When he finished his brief moment of limbering up, he looked around and noticed his companions (perhaps for the first time). Risit's body was quite stiff, and he felt an immense sense of rage and urgency flowing from him. Risit was quite the serious one. Risiel seemed nervous but determined to venture on... so long as Risit was there. Solare was also nervous, but she was also more than ready to strike head-on. His eyes then drifted to Kusameruko, who appeared annoyed. Kei always found that guy lazy, but he knew not to judge him for his outward appearance... despite the fact he was so morose. "So," he began. "Shall we go?" Kei, himself, was quite excited and ready to go. He wasn't necessarily a show-off as he was eager to help the people of the other worlds. If attacking that old, wooden ship deemed it necessary, he would do everything in his power to help everyone that he possibly can. Besides, this whole entire thing may also be a misunderstanding. He hoped. ******* [Kurai] Kurai suddenly reddened with rage as her eyes narrowed at Beucefilous and his idiocy. "Either get a brain or lose your head, you white-haired devil!" She growled, turning away and stomping towards a seat. She crossed her arms and legs, glaring at Beucefilous. She listened her comrades joke on him and smiled slightly, though in truth she was thinking about smashing Beuce's head in with her keyblade. "Someone hurry up and fly this thing!" Kurai exclaimed, impatience getting to her. "For all we know, my brother and his group may already be ahead of us in finding the keystones!"
'>.> <.<' o.o I'll post tomorrow. I'm sorry, I've just been really busy. Life is a pain x.x
Ugh... been so busy. I'll post tomorrow, folks. Sorry if I've been holding this up ^^"
"Good bye, baby sister!" Kei weeped as he walked away, with a joyous spring to his step. "You'll truly be missed!" As he was only a step away from his team's Gummi, Kurai leaped high into the air. "Damn you, Kei!" She shouted, slamming her keyblade downward, hard, into Kei's skull. "You shouldn't be so happy about our parting!" Kei wobbled and fell into the Gummi's opening, groaning as he threw both his hands over the spot his sister had hit. "You really are irresponsible and selfish, Kei." Kurai chastised. She sighed heavily and turned around, walking away. "At least remember all the good times, Kei. And write to me. Lots. Or else." Kei turned around and smiled. "Yeah..." he said, watching his sister walk away. He remembered the good times alright. Just thinking about it made Kei wince, rubbing the back of his head. He laughed and shook his head. "I promise I'll write, Kurai." With that, Kei lifted himself from the ground and made his way further into the Gummi. "Howdy," he said with a wide grin. "So, where's this Eat-her-knee-yum place?" He asked, mispronouncing the name... horribly. ******* "So," Kurai asked, sneering. "How long will it take us to get to Radiant Garden?" She asked, leaning against the jamb the Gummi ship.
Alrighty, cool.
lol, most, if not all of us, are excited, too. However, I'm being patient, so :P Another OC '>.> Username: Sessamaru Name: Kurai Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Spoiler Keyblade: Kingdom Key D Magic: Fire Keystone: Sea Stone Personality: Kurai is a hot-headed young woman. However, like her older brother, Kei, she's full of compassion. She's very much a tomboy and is solely independent, and is often irritated by Kei's goofy personality. Nevertheless, Kurai is still a young girl and will fall in love with the first handsome guy she sees and will do anything to get his attention... even if it's to bash him over the head with her keyblade and drag him into the nearest house. Caveman marriage. She loves children and dreams of a day when she'll get married, have a family, and have her hubby stay at home to tend to them. Kurai sees Kei as an idiot and is often seen bashing him in the head with her keyblade whenever he acts stupid or embarrasses her... both seem to happen at the same time. Despite her faults, she's a gentle and pure soul who wishes to put an end to the blood stone and the Heartless. She's always looking out for her headstrong brother, for she values family (even if her brother is an idiot) and she will do anything to protect him and his naive ways. She's smart, but not very sensible at times, and is prone to bashing anyone in the head. Anyone. Other: (Meh...)
This looks interesting, Midnight. I wish I could find something to truly critique, but looking for subtle grammatical errors was never my strong point. So, it looks good to me. I hope you add more, I want to see who was stalking Chris and see where this all goes from there! ^^
You'll just have to wait. He couldn't get to it last night, seemingly.
The professor raised a brow and half-smirked behind his hand as he took another drag. "Of course," Faust said sweetly, blowing out a large cloud of smoke. When he finished, he smiled wholeheartedly, though his eyes were cold and wicked. Wisps of excess tobacco smoke poured through his perfect white teeth. "But only if you are willing to fail the entire course and forever be expelled from SIGMA." Faust bargained, chuckling. He flicked his cigarette until the ashes broke away from the red-hot cherry. "Well? Are you willing to fail for the sake of your own desires?" He asked, his laughing becoming more maniacal.
I want to see more posts! This is getting interesting! I want to see more of this arc, darn it. Edit: For Jo!