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  1. Sessamaru
  2. Sessamaru
  3. Sessamaru
  4. Sessamaru
  5. Sessamaru
    I'll just take Link, then.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    From everyone's perspective, it looked like a kill-shot. However, the worst that it did was knock the air out of him, so he's probably a bit banged up, but nothing serious.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sessamaru


    Kuja nodded and made his way forward. "Ah, and what might this stone look like? I may be of assistance, my dove," he replied earnestly, his smile now a neutral expression. "Of course... as payment, I would like for you to find my shadow." Kuja quickly added, his graceful steps carrying him closer to them.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sessamaru



    Kei grabbed some rope and quickly tied himself to the mast. He was just as horrible at tying knots as Risit was, and he frowned with determination to make it a tad bit more pragmatic. With what Kei lacked in intelligence, he made up for in cunning. He knotted himself at one end with a horrible interpretation of a noose knot, and did a somewhat decent job with tying a secondary noose knot to the mast and adding a monkey fist as a sort of security... though a monkey fist knot was more or less used for counterweight. Nevertheless, there was enough length of rope between him and the mast, allowing him to gain a good amount of distance. Perhaps enough distance to dangle from side of the ship.

    Ignoring that fanciful thought, Kei wore a somber expression as the heartless appeared. What if they were redeemable? What if they truly had feelings? He shook his head and laid his empathy to rest as he justified his resolve to fight them. Keyblade in hand, Kei leaped into the fray, swinging his keyblade with precision. He was fast, and quite acrobatic. For all his short-comings, Kei was truly talented in the art of generosity, mischief, and fighting.



    Kurai sighed as she fell onto her rump, Kingdom Key D in hand. George vanished and she felt saddened by the Heartless's disappearance. She had grown fond of it in such a short time, but she knew she couldn't make the same mistake again. "God damn," Kurai gasped. "Yeah, what Maiko said... how're we supposed to find these key--" She was interrupted by the sound of a chuckling youth. Descending from the heavens was a beautiful youth with silver hair. He possessed a feminine charm, with gorgeous sky blue eyes and pursed lips. A silver feather donned his otherwise exotic hair. His skin was pale, his height medium, and he wore an exotic robe that seemed to be held up by a codpiece. A violet guard encased his shoulder, his sleeves were white, and he wore black shoes with golden buckles. Suffice to say, this character appeared flamboyant, yet beautiful.

    "What fun, those Heartless," Kuja remarked, landing delicately. His voice was as sweet as honey, light in pitch, and held a certain sort of charm. "It would seem you are looking for something?" He asked, almost rhetorically. He analyzed each of them with his narrow eyes, an innocent smile upon his face. Kurai stared at the figure, her eyes now glazed with a fantasies.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sessamaru
    Link and Dark Link.

    It would be awesome to play two silent characters.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru
    I just realized that Faust would sound like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho. Awesome.

    Oh, and... uh... update. I have plans for Alyss and Karasu, so... have a field day, Jayn :P
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru
  12. Sessamaru


    Faust smiled sardonically as he waved a hand at the young woman's bravado. "Please leave my class and never come back. You are hereby expelled from SIGMA and no longer do you have the school's protection. Should you freelance, you will be considered a vigilante and therefore an enemy of the Bureau. Good-bye, Miss Ward." The professor went on, extending his right hand towards the door as to signify an exit for her to leave.

    Karasu was the first to bolt out of his chair. "Hey, hey!" He shouted glaring at the professor, who began to grin from ear to ear. "That's not fair! She was only wanting to be in a comfortable environment, there's no need for such harsh treatment!" He shouted angrily, one foot atop his desk. Faust, however, didn't move and simply stared at Karasu for a short time.

    "Obviously, you children need to learn that you're not here to be safe," he explained coolly, methodically. It was the sort of tone a scientist would use on a test subject. Mild, apathetic, analytical. "You're here to learn how to survive and how to endure all forms of discomfort. If you can't understand that, then you fail. Not only do you fail my class automatically, but you fail the classes of SIGMA as a whole." Faust's eyes widened as he took another drag of his cigarette, and his smile became devilish. Karasu glared at Faust, a small whirlwind surrounding his person. His duster fluttered like black, broken wings. The youth's pupils dilated and then contracted in a single moment, the alien shine becoming brighter and a blade of wind tore its way down the row of desks, tearing them apart (but thankfully missing those nearby) and seeking the source of his rage.


    The professor swung his left arm lazily as the windblade drew too close, dispelling it with what seemed to be no effort. "Wind magic, spell "Windblade", level 1 of 5, calibre .22." Faust remarked absentmindedly, which was a strange quirk. "In short, the spell is medium range with the power equivalent to a small typhoon. However, since it's a single blade, three inches in thickness, with small, devastating gusts with a .25 inch circumference, it is considered a Wild Spell. Untamed. Its power measures one's emotion and the effect of said emotion it reveals a weak power-source. Power output, 90%. Potential power, 10%. Kinetic capabilities, negative 50 on AAS (Aeromantic Acceleration Scale). Result... futile." He rambled, though it was unaware if Faust was conscious enough to understand his own analysis. Faust pointed his left index finger at Karasu, who stood dumbfounded, and a single stream of wind, no thicker than a piece of string, shot forth. Karasu's eyes widened and the wind that he summoned before hand cloaked him. The beam, however, went through and hit his chest, making him fly back and through the door at the top of the steps.

    "You're expelled, too," Faust murmured, and he glanced around as if to emphasize his unspoken point. "Any more nonsense?" Faust asked, smiling still. In his eyes, there danced the flames of amusement.

    (OOC: Just because you're "expelled" doesn't mean you're booted from the RP. I just want everyone to know this; just in case.)
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru
    Alright, sounds good. If I don't update tonight, I promise an update tomorrow.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru
    Oh, Machina, how should I post for Kurai? I'm having a bit of difficulty with that. Since I've been sick and everything, I've been unable to post and ergo have no idea what to do for her part.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    Alright. I'm home and at a computer. I'm just trying to figure out what to post. Also, Machina, do you want me to bring in Kuja? Or should I wait? And another question... are we going to revisit worlds?
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    Sorry for the double post, and I apologize for my lack of posting (I've been sick... and busy... but mostly sick)... may I have a quick recap?
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    Dream Sequence (3)

    Ulrich sat before the bonfire, Kaylee snuggled comfortably against his right while Rosie was sitting beside his left-side. The other two sat on opposite ends of Rosie and Kaylee, staring into the flames with content. They were all talking, laughing, even Ulrich partook at rare intervals, making quips here and there. "So," Rosy began. "What are your dreams for the future?" She asked, gazing at the heavens as the flames weakened. Ed was the first to answer, so full of excitement that it made Ulrich wonder if he stole the fury of the bonfire.

    "I want to protect the other orphans," he said enthusiastically. "I want to build a large orphanage and teach them God's plan for us all. Just like what you taught us, Rosie." Rosie smiled and laughed with glee, and Ed smiled brightly. "I will protect them with my lives, too!" Ulrich stared at the boy and frowned. Nevertheless, he forced a smile, though it was sad and empty.

    Kaylee piped in, quickly. "I want to be with Ulrich and Rosie, forever and ever!" Everyone laughed, even Ulrich. "I want to be a part of their family. And I want Rosie to be at my wedding, too! Because when I become a grown-up, I want to marry Ulrich! He's so cool and caring and..." she trailed off as her cheeks reddened. Another bellow of laughter erupted from them, and Kaylee buried herself further into Ulrich's side.

    "I want to be a hero! Like in the stories Rosie tells us," Richie said with pride, rising from his seat and thrusting his thumb into his puffed-out chest. "I want to put a stop to the government and I want to protect everyone from the rogue Affinities. I'll even save them from themselves. Only a true hero can save everyone!" Rosie, Ed, and Kaylee cheered, whilst Ulrich frowned and averted his eyes. "I also want to be as cool as Ulrich when I do it. A true hero must be legendary and unique. Calm and collected. A true hero feels the pain of everyone."

    Ulrich felt pangs of regret, for he felt he overstayed his welcome. "I dream of a world," Rosie began. "Where everyone lives in harmony with one another. No killing. No stealing. No social hierarchies. I dream of a world of equality and happiness, where everyone can live their dreams without fear." Rosie said, smiling. "What about you, Ulrich?"

    UIrich was about to answer, but a bright blue-white light obscured his vision and as it faded, a dark cloaked child appeared. From beneath the cowl were two violet eyes, and laid out before Ulrich were the bodies of those dearest to him, blood pouring to the ground. "It's time to wake up," the shrouded boy said. "It's time you remembered me... brother."

    Another flash of light, and before him were his family. They were being killed before his very eyes by soldiers as he stood, paralyzed. Their grizzly deaths haunted his vision, their bloodcurdling cries tore at his sanity...


    The Village (Inn)

    "No!" Ulrich cried as he jolted up. "Not again!" He wept. As the high of the nightmare faded, Ulrich's shoulders sagged with a heavy burden at the realization of it all and the cloaked figure haunted his sanity. He looked around and he noticed motes of dust were surrounding his very person like a protective shell. "Why..." he murmured. "Why now?" Ulrich asked, giggles of madness escaping his lips. He laughed about the absurdity of it all. The sardonic sound was very unlike him, and as he noticed the notes of his cynical laughter, he quickly sobered.

    Ulrich rose from the couch and approached the window, noticing a blur head into the forest. An alarm went off inside his head and he opened the window, unaware if he was alone in the room or not. It never occurred to him that he had the latent questions of how he got there or what had happened. Ulrich was only concerned about that person who had ran into the forest. Without a thought, or a care, he leaped out the window and chased after the person, making sure he kept his distance and clung to the shadows.

    Though he never gave his old family an answer as to his dreams, he had an answer now... his dreams were their dreams. But now was not the time to dwell on the future...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru
    Alright, first of all, I am sick... so I'm sorry to everyone who I said I would post in their RPs (my other RP especially) Monday. It's now Wednesday. I'm still sick. I can't sleep and I only have one thing stuck on my mind. This RP. As a favor (and I'll totally be in anyone's debt if I am in their RP), please read through this thoroughly and give it enough consideration to join. This RP wouldn't stop harassing me and I have so many excess ideas (or rejected characters, plots, etc) that I decided to build this junkyard RP just so I can get some peace, quiet, and sleep. Lots and lots of sleep.

    So without further ado...

    ...the PLOT...

    After years upon years of technological evolution throughout the Omniverse, an infinite expanse of worlds that was once made up of the Nihilverse (a form of verse where nothing existed save for a blank sheet of infinity), enough worlds were able to harmonize and reach a state of peace and tranquility that banished the idea of war with others outside of their own world. However, this tranquility became unstable in a matter of centuries due to the unrest of all sentient creatures. The instinctual need for bloodlust, conquest, and purpose threatened the peace. Because of this, a shady organization called Enigma stepped forth and proposed a sort of contract that televised a gruesome tournament on a Dead World. An agreement had been reached and Enigma legally held the rights of all known and unknown lifeforms. Because of this, randomly selected people of any race, gender, species, sub-species, etc, were forced to fight each other. The winner of the tournament was to gain absolute power plus a bonus prize.

    Over the past few decades, with an increase of ratings due to the increase of brutality, no one had won. This raised questions throughout the omniverse, but no one had confronted Enigma; despite being a small organization and outnumbered by many, many worlds, Enigma seemed to possess a devastating power that kept the entire Omniverse on a leash. Literally and metaphorically omnipotent, Enigma continued the tournaments as their revenue increased, thus making them a powerful force behind economic. This made them a juggernaut, and the political leaders of the omniverse were in despair. The residents were constantly afraid of being selected, despite hypocritically enjoying the bloodletting themselves. Each world was constantly reminded that they were insignificant and powerless before Enigma as the promise of "absolute power" was constantly ripped out of the hands of each participant as they died by the hands of the representatives of Enigma.

    To the dismay of all, the show goes on. It serves the purpose of a macabre peace, but is peace truly worth it if the many were oppressed by such a tiny, insignificant organization?

    As you can see, I gave little details about the tournament itself and focused on the current status of the Omniverse. There are a lot of reasons, and I'm sure you're all smart enough to make an accurate deduction as to why. Nevertheless, we'll continue on through and focus on...

    ...the TOURNAMENT...

    The tournament is hosted by the mysterious head of Enigma, who often resides in shadows and never introduces himself to the public. Instead, he is introduced and referenced, often, by an eccentric man by the name of Adham Qisem. Adham Qisem is seen as the sardonic overseer of the tournament, making sure things progress as they should. If not, he would be forced to give the competitors some... incentive.

    The tournament, known as the Scarlet Carnival (named solely for its bloodshed, shown as a morbid form of entertainment), takes place atop an ancient ziggurat, which is far larger than any known step pyramid in existence. Surrounding the ziggurat is seemingly new architecture from the modern day Omniverse, which was quite unique in the fact it blended together the many, many cultures that encompassed it. These were the "stands" where the audience watched the battles far above them upon monitors... the higher up the audience, the wealthier they were and the less likely they would need a monitor. However, at the very top of this horse-shoe shaped building was where the competitors would watch the battles. This precise area of the "stands" (which is inaccurate for it's simply a building with seats and monitors) allows no one, not even the most wealthiest of in the Omniverse, to access the chamber (unless, they, themselves, are participants). The room is well-furnished and comfortable, with a giant glass screen giving clear, crystal vision to the fight ahead (for this precise room is perfectly parallel to the pyramid's flat top).

    The competitors really have no choice but to fight, and it's usually a game of kill or be killed. The competitors wear a thorn bracelet that digs into the flesh should they refuse to fight, and further more it releases an electric shock as incentive, successfully activating the body's natural ability to produce adrenaline. The thorn bracelet seems to be more magical than technological and it is known to be impossible to remove. The bracelet also limits the output of one's innate abilities, such as magic or natural skill, thus making them far more weaker than they were prior to the tournament. This power reduction increases difficulty, and should one succeed in a fight, the bracelet restores the power by a small, but noticeable amount.

    Victories tend to be determined by either kills or KOs, depending on the moral compass or the determination of competitors. The losers who survive are said to return home, but whether or not this is true is unknown. As mentioned before, the tournament is televised. Because of this, the skies are full of aircraft and a reporter and cameraman witness the fight up close. The reporter is also the announcer, and she would often tell them to begin. Because of the need for the announcer/reporter and cameraman, there's a barrier that boxes in the combatants, this also cuts off their escape even if they have a high-jump. The barrier is impenetrable and unbreakable, and it is high voltage. Anyone who tries to escape becomes barbeque for the side-shows.

    Thankfully, there are rules that are explained and demonstrated to the combatants as to keep things nice and orderly.

    It's difficult to go into detail about the tournament, but I'll explain this either in the RP (when I'm not sick) or in PMs (send me questions and I'll answer them... and add them to the FAQ should it come to it). Ah well... now, onto...

    ...the Home Rules...

    1) No Godmodding
    3) OC's only, please.
    4) Since PvP is possible, I will say "Do not kill off that person's character with their and my permission". I would also like to add that damage will be calculated by me as to stray away from godmodding. So if you continuously go unpunished throughout a match without a viable reason, I will be forced to tell you to edit your post. Otherwise, I will kick you out for brushing too close to the first two Rules.
    5) You can either create your own race or use races from any source... so long as you ask me first. I may have questions.
    6) Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT try and manipulate MY rules. MY rules are in effect for a reason; I'm pretty laid back, but if you're consistently arguing with me and manipulating my rules to your whim, I will be forced to kick you out of my RP. I also won't hesitate to bring in a mod if it comes to it.
    7) Listen to the GM (moi). This rule is sacred. Even if the GM is wrong, the GM, by default, is ALWAYS right.
    8) Follow the Roleplaying Arena rules, too.
    9) Mind your cursing. If your character cusses too much, I'll be forced to ask you to edit. Remember, there are younger players here. (And don't you kids sass me, or I'll have to get my slapstick, dammit!)
    10) Follow the other rules, and you'll be fine.
    11) This RP is purely non-canon to any/all original works, meaning if you want to use a character from any currently active RPs (which involve OCs), I'll allow it.
    12) I will severely limit abilities and their capacities; I also do not want firearms or any projectile weaponry. This tournament is purely melee; though pragmatism (such as throwing a melee weapon or shoe) is accepted, just to keep the quasi-realism going.
    13) This RP is rated PG-13; it possesses potential blood and gore, some crude language, and some sexual themes (for the benefit of the RPers if they wish to have a romance to form; please refrain from anything too graphic, folks). (Nudity is prohibited; anything crude or disturbing posted (especially without my consent) is a one-way ticket to being booted).

    I'm not 100% sure if these rules are good or not, but if you all have questions or suggestions, lemme know. Again, sick me is a semi-operational me. Almost done, now we just need to review...

    ...the Tournament Rules...

    1) Do not attempt to escape
    2) Do not disobey your rightful duty
    3) All is fair, love and war (anything goes)
    4) Victories are decided purely by besting the opponent. Kill them, incapacitate them, or make them surrender. If you cannot do either of these, then you have already lost.

    That's quite lame for rules, but... really. This is a tournament based on survival, so you can't really do much in terms of rules '>.>

    Now for your favorite part...

    ...the Character Sheet...

    Race: (optional; humans are generic)
    Height/Weight: (Please convert lbs. to kg. and vice versa)
    Appearance: (Pictures are welcomed!)

    Details: (for people who don't want to or can't post a picture; otherwise, delete this part)
    Body build:
    Hair color:
    Skin color:
    Eye/Iris color:
    Notable Features:

    Clothing Description:
    Weaponry: (Melee only; polearms, swords, axes, ect)
    (Only 3 powers/spells/abilities; you may gain more when the RP goes on. Or, more than likely, the three you choose may simply evolve.)
    Other: (Anything you would like to add; likes/dislikes, talents, etc.)

    Now that this is done... enjoy! And now I'm off to dreamland. Hopefully. Whee!

    (Oh, also, the Dead World was uninhabited since before the tournament, so there are no natives of the world. So, hah! Destroyed that loophole! :P)
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Jan 25, 2012, 46 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    Lucifer struggled in Rosie's grasp, wanting to quiet the commands that raced through his mind and throughout his body. However, he began to go limp as he focused more and more on Rosie's touch. It was a warm, caring embrace. Lucifer felt secure. Safe. The thoughts went quiet and Lucifer calmed in a matter of a few moments. Like a child, Lucifer turned around in her grasp and nestled himself against her, returning the hug. "So," he muttered like a child who had just been chastised. "Would you like to have some tea? I could go for some tea right about now."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru
    Alright... your grumpy, cynical GM is going to be gone this weekend. When I return, you'll get your long awaited update. I had writer's block for a bit (I had forgotten what I was going to do for this scenario), but it's gone. Nevertheless, I apologize for not updating. So expect a post Monday and perhaps a far more happier, less-cynical GM to take my place... I'll give you a hint: he's equally as insane as me.

    It's me :P
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home