Ulrich was the first to make it into the cave after Jo. He clung to the shadows, slowly building up his magic as he drew closer. As Ulrich got close, he could hear Jo speak to some sort of specter. For a moment, Ulrich was at a loss, but he guessed Igneel was the only thing close to family she ever had. However, the entity in question was no more than an imposter. Ulrich frowned, his left-hand building up with raw power. Jo released a powerful burst of fire that lit the entire cave, forcing Ulrich to cover his eyes from the bright light. As it faded, Ulrich began to regain his vision in the semi-darkness, able to see the scorched skull levitating from a small whirlwind. Wind magic... he analyzed. Somehow, that triggered a memory, forcing pressure to build upon his head again. However, the memory was foggy and he cast it aside, his worry for Jo outweighing his own safety. Ulrich kept silent and watched, his magic building in and around his left hand. Dust began to rise, and from the immense pressure of magic around his left hand, the dust began to form small crystals that sparkled in the light of Jo's flames.
Wait... I thought there was only ONE Dark Link... and that he was all shadowy and stuff o.o
Green. And if we're taking two characters, then dibs on Dark Link, too '>.>
Oh dear! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry! I thought I posted here, but apparently I didn't! ;.; Sorry for the belated response, Firekeyblade. I really, really apologize ;.;
Lucifer smiled at Rosie, and without a word, he was to set the kettle on the stove. He would just have to wait until he heard the whistle of the kettle. While he waited, he ate a few cookies before Rosie returned, asking for his help. He complied and assisted her into carrying Alistair into the kitchen. It didn't take long to carry him to the destination, and Lucifer soon became curious as to what she was planning to do. As she drew her sword and held it over Alistair's severely burnt arm, he smiled widely. Normally, one did not smile when amputation was the only clinical answer, but Lucifer did for he, himself, wondered what it would be like to not have an arm. Fortunately, he was going to invite Alistair to his tea party to have a nice long chat about losing things and never getting them back again. If Alistair was lucky, he'll even get some cookies! Or crumpets... but most likely croompiets! Whatever those were. Lucifer shook his head of the idea immediately, however, and turned around and whistled, tilting his hat ever so slightly; though he winced when he felt the stiff brim from where it had been burnt. He slowly began to walk away, for he thought it was considerate of him to leave Rosie to her fun task. Often times, Lucifer thought about cutting off someone's arms. Maybe he'll do it to the Queen. That would be a great conversation starter for when they have tea; even if she was a horrible person.
rofl, I see. Well, hopefully you'll have fun :P
Not yet. I don't throw up RP threads until I get a good set of players. Accepted. Oh man, is it starting to get good. I'm shocked you even wanted to join, Midnight '>.> Also, I will start the RP once I get 3 more players.
Of course, I won't mind if you knocked off the concentration. Oh, and he's accepted. I forgot to mention it before.
Faust's sardonic smile was now a Cheshire grin, his perfect white teeth gleaming with his madness. "No need," the professor told Tahlia. "It appears the boy was smart enough to deflect the otherwise severe blow. He'll be fine... though, I doubt his nerves are saying the same thing." Faust cackled as the door Karasu and Alyss exited closed and locked. However, his jovial mood was interrupted by Drake's resignation. Unfortunately, Drake would soon find himself in Faust's sights. "Sit down, Mister Drake," he said coolly, his childish tone becoming deadlier and lacking the mad mirth of his otherwise outrageous game. As he spoke, Drake would soon notice the power in his words, for magic filled the air like electricity. The hairs on Drake's arms and neck would rise on ends, and he would also feel a tingling sensation that threatened to numb his entire body. "You do not leave until I say," Faust growled, glaring at him with murder-filled eyes. "I expelled two students... they didn't want it, but they got it. You, on the other hand... if you resist me, I shall think up a more extravagant punishment for you." As he finished, everyone would notice the mirth slowly creeping back into his voice, his eyes sparkling with the same sadistic glow as they had always had. "Am I understood?" He asked, his tone now polite and nonchalant. ******* Karasu groaned as he rose up. "Ugh..." he let out. "What happened?" Karasu asked, though he visibly winced as he felt the aches and pains around his chest. Karasu even felt a sharp pain coming from his heart, but he dismissed it after a couple hisses of pain. After a moment of being dazed, he finally took notice of Alyss. "Oh... yeah, I guess I'm alright. What about you?" He asked, trying to display concern rather than pain.
Alrighty. Also, Serin is now accepted.
Accepted. I'm already cackling madly. Oh boy, are you in for a treat :P Oh, and I must ask... why did you choose Shapeshifting? I doubt you'll be able to use it, especially if it takes a lot of time and concentration. The likelihood of him using it is... well... less than 1%, at best. Senri: Would you like to have a couple more powers? I mean, the bear arm is great and all... but raw strength and lethal tears won't keep him alive long enough. He's too underpowered to let in at this stage. Kurou: Accepted. If you want to add a melee weapon, before the RP starts, I give you permission to go ahead and edit. Would be nice if he had a weapon.
Yeah, I'll give it a read.
Deadpool? Yes. '>.>
lol, he would make a great neutral-sort of character. Like Deadpool :P
lol, I didn't know if he were oblivious to it or not. Either way, I think I'll like him :P
"Do you believe in love after--" *wakes up* "No mommy, don't hit me with that frying pan!"
Well, whichever it is, I'm sure it'll be amusing.
Ah, I see. Can't wait, mate.
Or vice-versa. Nevertheless, I can't wait to get this RP on a roll. I have a huge arsenal of characters I've been wanting to use. Good and bad guys.
That's acceptable. Mostly because precognitive reflexes would be healthy for a character to have against someone whose... well... fast. Like,...