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  1. Sessamaru
    I'll make a CS soon. So... save me a spot, ja?
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    Name of RP: The Scarlet Carnival

    Synopsis: Every year for the past several decades, a shadowy organization called "Enigma" created an event called the "Scarlet Carnival". This "Carnival" was Omniversal, linking to every piece of technology and magical devices as to gain viewers for this sanguine event. The event also called for participants, though not by choice. Each year called for the most strongest, most talented, and/or most intelligent entities throughout infinity who were chosen for the Carnival, which was a tournament of bloodshed. It kept war at bay from neighboring worlds, and thus Enigma was a powerful force... economically, politically, and martially. Due to their immense power, not a single world dared to strike them; though they were a small, isolate faction made up of the wealthiest men, women, and alien. Their staff were the smartest scientific minds throughout the omniverse, and undoubtedly the reason why the organization was so powerful. This underworld event, brought to light, chose its participants and suppressed their powers. Being a part of the Carnival was not a choice. It wasn't a right. Those summoned were destined to die, to serve the greater good of the omniverse through the darkest means that were, to the general populace, unethical. Chosen against their will, the participants were to fight... the victor would gain a prize of ultimate power, as well as a single wish. However, there was not a victor...

    And this year, things have changed. The rules have changed, there are greater dangers, and more...

    This year is to be a special.

    Genre: Action/Adventure|Sci-Fi|Fantasy
    Link: RP
    OOC Link: OOC
    Activity: CLOSED | INACTIVE
    Other: Searching for a few more competitors; needing to even out the PC-to-NPC ratio for the team brackets.
    Created by: Sessamaru
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru
    lol, thanks.

    Anywho, I don't know who/what Professor Layton is, so I think you may be making it up. I just chose the name "Schrodinger" after the dude who came up with "Schrodinger's Cat", involving a cat, a box, and the unknown (as in, whether it's alive or dead; both are possible, but the answer is a variable until you lift the box to see if it is dead or alive). I used the name because: 1) I like the name, it's intimidating for a villain. 2) Because I needed a generic mad scientist who does these wild things. 3) Well... you'll see later.

    Now... I wish more people could post. Rapid is busy this weekend, Master of Keyblades is having RL issues. But Rienzel and Twilight... I think they either don't know it's up, or if the post was too long and they're taking their time. Nevertheless... I'm bored ;.;
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sessamaru
    Dark Link's invisible smile took a wicked, sardonic turn as he watched the battle, not partaking. None of them were him, and he would not fight until he showed himself. Link, however, appeared above his shadowy counterpart, both hands on his sword as he dropped down as the point faced downward. Hearing the signature "hah!", Dark Link looked up and could hardly grin with malicious glee. Taking his shadow shield, he swung it as he leaped back, parrying the blow and countering with a swing himself. Link's eyes widened and he quickly brought his shield up, accepting the force of the blow as he fell. The Hero fell into a roll as he landed, coming back up and glaring at Dark Link.

    The two stared for a brief moment at each other, and they both charged forward, clashing.

    The battle was on...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    Finally! After an entire week of wanting to post this, I finally got to! I had to rewrite it because it wouldn't go through the first time (it said I timed out) but there it is.

    I am so proud of this post. There's story, my characters, and the first dangers of the dead world! I hope you all enjoy yourselves. Please try and be smart '>.>
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    Noah Alba walked down the sleek, chrome hallways of the subterranean complex. He was tall and slender, wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red tie. He was of fair skin with long black hair, sleeked back as to reveal his handsome face. His eyes were the color of gold, with silver sunbursts; his pupils were slitted in the dim corridors. High cheekbones emphasized his fox-like eyes.

    After a moment of wandering the puzzling complex, he finally stumbled upon a large vault-like door. He stepped forward and a number of mechanisms instantly activated, pistons and cranks unlocking the otherwise mammoth door. The door split into two metal slabs, horizontally no less, and revealed its contents. Inside was a handful of scientists, who were running about their business, obviously oblivious to Noah's presence. There was also a main computer at the far end of the room, as well as massive kennels holding the most vile creatures throughout the omniverse. The room, on its own, was massive enough to hold hundreds of thousands of monsters of immense size. Which was precisely the reason why they chose this particular room to handle their experiments.

    Noah walked in, ignoring the dark forms within their over-sized kennels. Those creatures tried to reach out at him, growling and clawing at nothing in particular as Noah walked past. It was noted that each kennel was piled atop the other, as well as being divided up by aisles, from class to class. The weakest were piled into numbers, being classified from 10 to 1, the weakest being Class 10. Then, the aisles would shift to military classes, from E, D, C, B, A, S; respectively from the least dangerous of that class, to the most powerful and most deadly.

    However, each kennel had a code. In the end, there were hundreds, most likely thousands, of creatures within that single room, and every single one of them was a scientific specimen with a very practical purpose. They had no name other than the code upon their kennels.

    Despite the chamber being very large, and spacious, it was no picnic and it was very, very annoying to reach the very end of the chamber towards the very large computer that had access to everything within that room and containing every file of every thing of that room in particular. Down to the very last scientist assigned to the room and its purpose.

    Noah sighed irritably as he made his way through the chamber until, at last, he stumbled upon a particular person. A scientist by the name of Schrodinger. He was a man who was as intelligent as he was ugly; nevertheless, Noah approached him, hiding his disgust for the most unethical scientific genius of the human race. "Professor Schrodinger," he greeted, bowing low. "Are you prepared to initiate Phase I of the Scarlet Carnival?"

    Schrodinger turned and eyed the youth with a wide smile. "Why yes, Mister Alba!" He replied eccentrically, nodding his head like he was a bobble-head. How fitting, Noah thought with amusement. "I am sure the Omniverse will appreciate my art this year! Not only did I genetically altered them, but I reverse engineered their very genetic sequence as to understand their genetic make-up, therefore augmenting them with proper evolutionary traits that would make them far more dangerous and hideous! Not to mention I added a thing or two of solidified Mana to give them... well, you'll see. I shall dispatch a horde or three of Class 10s to see if they'll survive." Rolling up his right sleeve, the good doctor revealed a leather bracer that held upon it a small computer. It acted almost like a watch, save for the fact it was multi-functional. He remotely accessed the room's network and accessed a few files.

    "I hope you didn't augment them too much," Noah remarked offhandedly, walking away and throwing up a ringed hand. "Otherwise there won't be a Carnival to enjoy this year."


    Wake up...

    The Champion stirred slightly, stubbornly trying to sleep within the pod. However, the familiar voice called to him, urgently trying to wake the strange entity. The black lids remained shut, wishing to lock the consciousness in the eternal realm of oblivion.

    He wasn't very tall, only four-foot-eight-inches. His skin was bone-bleached; his nails, lips, and lids were the color of obsidian. His hair was long and white, with a sky-blue tint. His eyes were long and pointed, with a faint blue tint at the tips. He appeared angelic, beautiful enough to be feminine, though his bone structure revealed he was, in fact, male. Slender and well muscled, the entity was, unfortunately, naked.

    Wake up, the voice said again, and to the youth's dismay, he woke up. That is... after he fell out of the pod as his slumber was distracted. Aeons of sleep, of dreaming a dreamless dream of sheer blackness, was disrupted by that crystalline voice. Melodic, yet distant...

    As he was roused, the entity opened its eyes to reveal emerald, pupil-less orbs that literally shined light. After years of sleeping, the small youth's body was stiff and rigid. A death-like slumber had drained his strength, and he was indeed weak. The Champion tried to raise himself from the ground, but could not; his arms shook as he tried, yet to no avail did he rise. His legs did not move, no matter how much he willed them to.

    Save me... the voice said urgently, though the warrior did not know if it was the same voice. Memories... so many memories... they had raced through his mind in a single, maddening moment. Death, slaughter, destruction... merry-making, love-making, hopes and dreams shared... it all made his heart ache. The voice was faintly familiar, though the screams of pain and agony drowned them out. Those words that were uttered... how many times did he hear them? How many times did he fail? How many times was he too late to change anything?

    They're drawing near! the voice added, much more clearer. His memories subsided as instinct and worry took over. With every bit of strength he could muster, he crawled his way back to the pod, only to be intercepted by a trident and a spear. He looked up. Two men in dark clothing, tall and bulky, looked down upon him, their white eyes curving wickedly with murderous glee.

    "Look, brother," spoke one with a basso voice, the tone malicious. "It appears we have ourself a happy meal!" He laughed. The other chuckled. "Yes," spoke the other. "It appears this Carnival was much in our favor!" He laughed.

    Carnival? the youth asked himself, confused. He wasn't so much afraid of them as he was worried for what he looking for. After a moment of being caught off-guard by their wicked conversation and plots, he felt pain around his left wrist. He looked at it. A thorn bracelet that dug into his wrist, releasing his lifeblood. It was deep and it was painful, but he ignored it. Before he could interrupt them, the two men, seemingly done with their conversation, plunged their weapons towards the smaller man. However, the blows never came.

    "Yo, yo, yo," spoke a new voice, deep and cheery. "I got'chu, man. I gotta say, dumbo one and two weren't that hard, so why don't we feed them to the hungry, hungry hippo?"

    Poetry? The smaller man asked, nearly wanting to laugh. It was, admittedly, horrible, but the man who did it was quite skilled. The two men that were attacking collapsed as a burst of blood poured from the stumps of their necks, and the young-looking Champion had to lower his head as to not get blood in his eyes. Appearing from behind them was a tall dark-skinned man with long black hair, braided into cornrows and tied in the back; there was a bandana around his domed-forehead with interesting characters alien to the alphabet of his own world. Over his eyes were a pair of sunglasses. The large, dark man also wore a red kimono with a white hakama; on his feet were straw sandals. They looked comfortable. Those look like the clothes from my world... he thought, though he knew it was impossible to be in any future of his own world. It had been destroyed, and solely by him and him alone. "Hey, man, get up before you get yourself killed," he said. "Unless you're comfortable being naked on the ground; in that case, you must have some mad skills!" The man laughed. Slender and well-muscled, the youth knew he had honed his sword skills to their peak, especially at his age. In his eyes, the youth knew that this man was quite young, especially compared to his own people. Human? He thought with surprise, nearly laughing at the realization. The humans of his world were weak, but here was one who could match the speed of the Dearmadta, the fastest, most intelligent race in all the Omniverse.

    The youth, nevertheless, laughed at the rhyme, though weakly and with a hoarse throat. "Thank you," the white-skinned Dearmadta said gratefully. He continued to crawl his way back to the pod.

    "Yo," the dark man shouted urgently, genuinely worried. "Ya shouldn't move if you're so weak. You need lotsa rest if you want to return to your peak! So says Masta Watanabe of the DJ Dojo!"

    This stopped the small albino in his tracks. "Oro?" He asked, his expression full of bemusement. "Er... what is your name?"

    "Glad you asked, little man!" The larger man began, pressing his middle finger at the middle-band of his sunglasses to adjust them properly. There was a gleam at the edge of them. "I'm the Rappin' Samurai of the West! I'm the risin' hope of the people without a pope, dancin' to the beat with my moves, as smooth as dope! Here I am, like the mornin' dragon, MC Monk of the Silver Ram, 'cause here I am, shoutin' my name like I don't give a damn! Word..."

    Why is he rhyming? "So... your name is Word?" He asked, blinking. After a moment of silence, the larger man laughed.

    "You're funny, little dude, I give you that..." he replied, walking towards the little albino. He stooped low, reaching towards him. "But MC Monk's the name, spinning rhymes with mad skill only equal to my sword play, livin' life like a game. I'm legendary, killing demons and devils like they're bad dairy..."

    There he goes rhyming again...

    "So I told you mine, so tell me yours," he went on, smiling all the while as he lifted the little one. The white-skinned youth stared at him, confused at what he's saying. "Your name, kid."

    With an appreciative nod, the small youth gave a small smile. "This One's name is Sessamaru," he replied. "But you may call Him Sess..." he trailed off. Monk stared at him, confused for a moment. The gears in his mind were grinding hard, trying to process the strange pronouns.

    "So... you're Sess?" he asked, looking down below. Sess blushed and blurted out a quick no. After a few moments of the both of them being embarrassed, the larger companion finally spoke. "Alright, alright," Monk began. "I got'chu figured out... your name's Sess and you talk so strange--" (Says the human rhyming all the time... and over half the time, it makes no sense... Sess thought) "But your voice makes you sound like you're in singin' range. I think we should both put on a show, with my mad rhymes and your killer voice, this Carnival will be our's fo sho!"

    It was Sess's turn to think out the message, and finally concluded that he was talking about an alliance. He nodded and smiled. "Of course," he said properly. "But first... but This One thinks His clothes are in that pod... could you help Him there?" He asked, blushing slightly.

    "Ya don't have to ask me twice," the large, dark-skinned samurai laughed.


    Hidden inside the wilderness, there were grates that housed the slumbering entities. The grates slid apart, releasing the shadowy beasts inside. They crawled out of their holes, venturing the surface of the dead world...


    Before the girl was interrupted by her new allies, she noticed that most of the flora appeared to be either benevolent or carnivorous. Were it not for the new companions that had arrived, her hand would have been eaten by at least two of the plants that appeared like budding roses. However, to her knowledge, any benevolent looking plant may be used to make remedies for any ailing disease; by that logic, then any remedial plant could be used as poison as long as it was at a high dosage. However, due to the alien appearances of the plants, the knowledge of how to make a poison out of any of the plants would have been learned through trial and error. But... the Carnival would not permit that.

    Unbeknownst to the companions, there was, indeed, a time limit. Either they arrive at the gates of the arena before the majority of the other competitors make it there, or they die at the hands of the beasts strewn about the dead world.

    However, measuring the distance, it would take at least a day or two to reach the arena. Sleep appears impossible without a proper group, and time is immeasurable due to the stasis of the world and the sun. Thus, the actual distance would appear to be an eternity in the eyes of those trying to survive.

    At the appearance of Kratos, and at the end of the explanation given by the very knowledgeable Raven, a small tremor raced through the ground, shifting the earth beneath their feet. A roar followed and it was bloodcurdling. Trampling through the woodland, a large, reptilian centaur-like creature appeared, a black metal collar on its neck. There was a red orb that blinked every few seconds in the center of the collar. The creature was large, towering at twenty feet, and the base of its body was like that of a green triceritops. The underbelly was yellow, as well as the muscled torso of the main host. Between its front legs was a large pair of lips with sharp teeth and a long, bubbly tongue. The other "body" of the centaur was humanoid in shape with a large, snake-like head. It had two arms with very sharp claws and large enough to wrap itself around any of their bodies.

    The creature hissed as it saw them and it spat a yellow-green glob that gave a horrible, sulfurous smell. It must've been acidic. Following up with it's spit, it swung its right hand in hopes to catch a straggler.

    It was very, very hungry.


    Senri and Kurou could hear the immediate danger nearly two hundred feet away, where Raven and her group resided. However, even if they did hear it and if they were curious enough to find out what it was, they were sorely mistakened. Even if they were to run, they wouldn't be able to, for roaming around their area was a large, slithering thing. The ground rustled, the trees groaned, threatening to break. Surrounding them was a large, copper serpentine body of scales with black, amorphous spots and a dark yellow underbelly. If they were to follow the large, thick body, they would notice that half-way up was covered in dark brown fur. Furthermore, it's body became more humanoid. Long arms possessing silver claws on human-like hands, with large, bat-like ears, a lupine face, and a lion-like mane. It eyes were silver with green-slitted pupils, its fangs pearly and sharp. The creature was the perfect predator; a mix between a lion, a wolf, a bat, and a heavily mutated and genetically warped anaconda. Overall, the creature was the size of a whale.

    It howled, and the sound was guttural and pained. It flung itself forward, claws extended, preparing to rip out their hearts.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sessamaru
    Dark Link smiled, prepared to fight the on-coming opponents. His shadows hummed as his lighter half drew nearer and the excitement, the emotion, filled him! The Dark Master Sword gave off a horrid glow of eagerness, too, and Dark Link knew that his completion was at hand. There could only be one...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sessamaru
    Awesome ^^

    I may make one more character, if that's alright. Although, don't expect the CS to appear soon... I am busy with a few other things.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sessamaru
  10. Sessamaru
    Link analyzed everything that occurred with a puzzled look on his face. Sonic, the blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, ran at such a high speed, he couldn't help but smile and rub the back of his head. Ed, the small alchemist, turned a robot into a car. Not that he knew what a car was... but he knew that it had wheels, so it must've been a transporting tool... or something... Link, nevertheless, stared at it quizzically. Garrus then appeared and Link was prepared to fight the... monster? But he didn't appear to be blood-thirsty, like all the monsters he fought in Hyrule. The thought of home made Link daydream for a moment.


    Marth and Ed spoke, and Link snapped to. Without a second thought, he leaped into the vehicle and hoped it was faster than a horse. Hopefully faster than the blue hedgehog...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru
    Weird... the picture works for me... I'll find a new one.

    Also, I was unaware of the difference between Purebloods and turned Vampires, so I'll fix the bio. In all honesty, I didn't know where I was going with this character... '>.>
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru
    He looked at her. "Nothing much... just some bandages, alcohol, and a new shirt," Ulrich told her, smiling. "And, if you wouldn't mind... could you help me dress my hand? I would do it myself, but..." he glanced at his hand to accentuate the point. "Now that I think about it, it's not really an incy, wincy favor... nevermind..." he murmured, quickening his steps.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru
    Ulrich stared at Ariana for a short moment, trying to think of a way to cheer her up. "You know... if it weren't for you, I doubt Jo would be alive," he remarked. "She was a loner when we first met her. You were her first friend. I think you gave her a reason not to be alone anymore. You showing up here... yeah..." he went on, beginning to yawn. He laid his trenchcoat over Jo, picking her up in his arms as he did. "Well, there's no point in staying here... we should head back. Oh! And if you could do me an incy, wincy favor... that would be awesome." He added, laughing. Ulrich made his way out of the cave, yawning again as he did.

    I should definitely sleep when this is all over... he thought, trying to keep his mind off the pain.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru
    Ulrich turned to Ariana and smiled widely, picking up his leather trenchcoat. "Just a small burn, nothing serious," he told her, walking to Jo. "Is she alright? Or is she just out cold from using her battle spells?" Ulrich asked, concern in his voice. He knelt before Jo, analyzing her for any serious wounds. "Thanks for coming, by the way," he said, turning to Ariana. "If you or anyone else didn't follow, things would've got messy." Ulrich smiled at her, trying to hide the pain in his right hand. Earth magic would become a lot more difficult now that his hand was burnt to a crisp.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    Ulrich yawned, scratching at his bare chest where there was a long, jagged scar. It didn't necessarily itch, the scar, but just the skin around it. Ulrich had forgotten his scars after so long, and even if someone were to ask how he got all of them, he wouldn't remember. His life before this one was a mystery, even to him, and he wish he knew who he was before he became Ulrich Ravenhardt. His real name was buried beneath all the memories, though he knew the name Ulrich must have meant something to him. After a moment's musing, he felt the earth shift. It was subtle, but he felt it as if it were his own heartbeat. He saw the message before him and he quickly wiped it clean, placing his left palm where the previous message was.

    He created a link between him and Andrew, smiling all the while. Without much thought, he sent a response to Andrew using the dust in the inn.

    I'm fine. I apologize for my lack of foresight. Ulrich replied by accumulating all the possible dust. After a moment, Ulrich felt a sharp pain in his left arm, making him hiss slightly. I think I overdid it... he told himself, knowing full and well he was all dried up on magic. He vowed that that was going to be the last time he ever performed so many large spells in such a short period of time.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    Name: Simon Crowley
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Species: Vampire
    Personality: Simon is mentally unstable. He suffers from a plethora of mental disorders, becoming "emotionally" numb. However, he tends to wear a smile and laughs... a lot. His jokes are often crude and morbid, and the things he says tend to not make sense. He isn't aware of time and tends to forget important things, especially when it comes to his own life. His desires are often disturbing and suits his mad-persona. Simon lacks compassion and the ability to love. What he lacks there is what he makes up for in strength. He's naturally charismatic despite his disturbed personality, has the ability to make people feel sorry for him even though he can't feel sad or depressed, and has an anger problem that is the equivalent to a natural disaster on a very, very bad day. Due to his person, he's highly dangerous and volatile. He also often acts as a child, despite appearing as a young adult, often appearing as ignorant of his own demented sense of humor. Simon's psyche also appears to be fragmented, giving him several different personalities; ergo several different levels of intelligence and desires. Another trait he possesses is compulsive lying. Being a mental mess, Simon is one of those vampires that could be considered as an immediate danger to himself and others.
    Bio: Not much is known about Simon. Due to his lack of comprehension, he tends to be a vagrant who believes he can do what he wants, when he wants, without any consequences towards his own person. Wherever there's chaos or fear, he's been there.
    Other: Pertaining to his nihilistic personality, Simon appears to suffer from an acute form of Psychopathy, along with Autism, Multiple Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Dementia.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
  18. Sessamaru
    Of course!

    Now... I'm getting a bit bored, so...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    I know it didn't come out here, in the US. I just checked that up. Also... I need to stop talking before I get dumber for not researching it x.x

    Anywho, I'm confident the RP will turn out to be far more interesting. I have someone playing the role of main villain for me, and he's also my co-GM. Rienzel has taken a lot off my shoulders. All I really needed him to do is just take over the villain position for me, so I'm quite happy how this'll turn out. I have way too many characters, anyway. Most of them being NPCs.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru
    [Green Link]

    Green Link shook his head as he ran with his allies, smiling excitedly as he followed. A new challenge awaited him, and he wanted to return home more than anything. Green Link was done playing the role of Hero, and all he wanted was to rest and enjoy the rest of his life in peace. But... one more challenge wouldn't hurt. Would it?


    [Dark Green Link]

    Music for the setting:

    Dark Link slowly led his allies to the enemies, his dark skin releasing wisps of shadows as his red eyes glowed malevolently. Much like his counterpart, he, too, was silent. Speaking was for the weak and cowardly. He was the dark image of the true Link, as powerful and as deadly. He wished to end his doppelganger, so he himself can be the true wielder of the Master Sword, so he himself can rule over Hyrule. Link was to die here... he vowed that. His dark green tunic, three shades darker than Link's, ruffled as he moved, the chainmail beneath it clanking as shadows wisped off it, as well. He removed his sword from its sheath, a mirror image of Link's but clad in darkness. His shield was a thing of black, alien metal, giving off a cruel gleam as shadows curled off it like smoke from a burning house. He smiled wickedly, a small laugh escaping his throat. It sounded as if it were muffled by bubbles, coming from a far away place. When the laughed died, only a malevolent sigh remained.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home