Oh? Please elaborate? (Sorry, I'm a tad out of it at the moment)
Lucifer sat in a pub, setting his chair back upon two legs with his legs on the table, crossed. He was reading a book, not at all bothered by the many sickly-sweet scents. Alcohol, plain tobacco, flavored tobacco, opium of various flavors... the aroma set the mood of the pub on its own. Those who were in the pub were bad people. Troublesome people. They were the sort of people who would find any excuse to fight someone. Lucifer, however, was in there solely to change his setting. He didn't have a home, nor did he want one. Though, he found it ironic that he found comfort in the very thing that caused him so much pain. He ignored the memories, dwelling further into his book. It was about the many philosophies throughout modern day and history, and how they all had a similar goal with similar ideologies. Some of the information within the book was without evidence, ergo being built upon speculation after speculation of base analytical study of philosophy alone. Lucifer scoffed at the book more than once, finding a flaw or two in the circular logic of the author, but he kept to himself.
Howdy, Jayn Mrs. Claus! ;) How many people: 1 (Male, 17) Hair color/style: White with sky-blue tints; long Eye color: Green (cat-like pupils) Skin tone: Grey What's happening in the picture: Sitting against a wall, right arm propped over the right knee, left leg extended with left arm comfortably over said leg. His expression (or what can be seen) says that he is bored. Clothing: Crooked wizard hat, duster, wears a mask that covers the lower half of his face and is connected to his shirt, baggy pants, boots, finger-less (knuckle-studded) gloves (his clothing is dominantly black) Anything else: Enjoy! I'm sure this'll be a challenge for you (it's been a challenge for me, to be honest x.x)
Uuuuuuuugh... pain in the arse... I can't think of an opening post x.x
*bump!* Ahah! I finally got it posted. That post, believe it or not, was actually quite challenging. I'm so scatter-brained... it should be slightly evident in the post. Nevertheless, enjoy the update!
Even as they spoke, and even before Karasu could reply, the doors below swung open and in stepped a man wearing a long white lab coat. His hair was platinum blond and long, held into a ponytail, though there were a few stray bangs that helped frame his face. In between his lips was a cigarette, which was already lit and smouldering. He wore a black turtleneck, white pants, and black leather dress shoes. He was relatively pale, wearing slim, rectangular glasses. The glare from his glasses often hid his eyes, but those who could see would realize his eyes were an icy-shade of blue. Overall, he was slender and handsome, with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a slender (and slightly pointed) nose. Professor Faust stood to be six-foot, two-inches and appeared to be quite fragile. He was a man of intelligence after all. What was frightening about his appearance, despite his vampire-like presence, was his strange Cheshire smile. He was grinning from ear to ear, and for no better reason than to simply smile. Aside from his strange, jovial nature, he also appeared well-groomed. His clothing seemed perfect, not a wrinkle in place. Holding his hair back was a black ribbon, which defied physics by appearing perfect and unwrinkled. He was perfectly groomed... it was eerie, for it contradicted that strange, otherworldly smile of his. "Hello, class," Faust greeted, his voice mellow and suave. The way he greeted his class was another odd and frightening attribute, for the inflection of "class" was detached, though there was a fondness that caressed an opposing word such as "test subjects" or "specimen". "Today you are here to learn the fundamentals of magic, the essence of all life. Today we are going to simply review the basis of the Arts and take a loosely related quiz... if you are all behaved and well-mannered, I may even give you all a treat." He explained, not even bothering with attendances. "Are there any questions?"
Ah! The brightness is blinding!!! The cheerful colors! Save me ;.; Happy anniversary, KHV. My gift to you is my official presence here after 3 (going onto 4 in about five months) years of being oblivious.
...wow, that's embarrassing for me... I see. Edit: Yay, Feenie will post '>.> ...Sorry for calling you a "her", mate x.x
The plan aside, what about Feenie? I think we should at least wait for her to post before we bother jumping into anymore plot-altering scenarios.
Ack, I apologize. The mansion keeps slipping from my mind for some reason. As for the jobs... I kinda figured that since it's a different time, the age limit would change. I also don't think they'll automatically get a job as soon as they walk in. I also stated that they could find an abandoned warehouse to live in, thus voiding the rent issue. Otherwise, yes, I do get what you mean. lol, will do. I'm only making them for fun. I'm not going to post them... unless requested '>.> Ah well...
Ulrich lit up with a genuine smile and marched ahead. "Yep," he said aloud. "Let's be off! Follow the yellow brick road! We're off to see the Wizard, everyone!" Ulrich jovially shouted, literally marching his way there and laughing with triumph.
Ulrich laughed nervously as everyone bickered. However, a dark thought loomed over his head as Jellal's comment registered in his thoughts. I won't be happy... I'm stuck babysitting two women who might slit my throat while I'm sleeping, he thought glumly. However, he felt silly thinking about Ariana killing him. The only chance of that happening was if he were to ever cross Jo... which may be a real possibility, considering her temper. The weight of that nearly crushed him as he reimagined that scenario several hundred times. Is it too late for me to run? Ulrich thought, looking left and right for an escape.
Ulrich crossed his arms again and analyzed the situation. "Instead of two groups," he said at length, sighing. "I propose there should be three groups of three. Sparky, Andrew, and Keel. Myself, Ariana, and Jo. Haley, Maddie, and Caeli?" He offered. "Nevertheless, it doesn't matter until we get to Jo's village, anyway. So... let's put this into the back of our minds and get going? If we stay here debating this any longer, we'll be far behind schedule. A day or two in Jo's village would be a nice change of pace, anyway." Ulrich remarked, yawning.
OOC: Actually, Fire, there's 9 of us. Ulrich, Andrew, Jo, Ariana, Jellal, Haley, Maddie, Keel, and Caeli. Ulrich laughed. "Actually, dust doesn't use all that much concentration," Ulrich replied. "Besides, I'm not all that skilled. I always survived through running away, anyway. Dust, alone, is pretty harmless. I can't manipulate my element." He argued, crossing his arms as he kept wearing his lazy smile. As to prove his argument, Ulrich through his arms out and demonstrated effort as he tried to rise two pillars of earth. The best he could manage was rising dirt and a few rocks. Otherwise, he couldn't raise a mound. Ulrich gasped as he relented. "As you can see," he went on. "I couldn't manage to do anything." Ulrich smiled again.
Nikki was attacked by the queen's Minions, over half of the academy is tending to her, three are at the Academy still, and two are elsewhere. Lucifer protected Nikki before things could get worse and those with Nikki are now on their way back to the Academy. On the queen's side... well... it's just starting up. Anywho... With Nikki are... Lucifer, Philip, Misa, and Alek. At the Academy are... Rosie, Gracie, and Mirabelle. The other two that are out and about are... Alastair and Brian. Does this help somewhat?