Awesome! I had a blast doing that journal. =D
Something twisted Terra's stomach. Perhaps it was fear; maybe it was anger. She wasn't sure, but she was sure that she'd failed. If Slade had had to help her, she couldn't have accomplished whatever goal she was going for. "Where... where are they now?"
"What happened to me?" Terra asked. Her memory was slow to come back. She attempted to sit up but found the task to hard on her limbs. Now she was getting frustrated. What could have hurt her so badly she couldn't even sit herself up?
Terra's hand dropped and the stones fell to the ground. Anyone who worked with Slade gave her no reason to doubt them. But she still wanted a name. She tried to speak again, repeating her question, "Who are you?"
Hearing footsteps, Terra cracked open one eye, ignoring the sting of the light. Whoever it was, she didn't recognize them. She strained her muscles to lift her arm and flex her hand. The ground cracked beneath Demetrio, then rose in ragged blocks and surrounded him. "Who are you?" Terra demanded, but her voice croaked.
"Let her come over here, Jinx," Hannah called, tossing the syringe to Michael. "I'll kill her too. But if she's smart, and wants to live, she'll run from here. Once Dracula is dead, anything he's bitten will return to normal." While she spoke, she looked straight at Hikari, taunting her with her eyes. Michael rolled his eyes at Hannah. "I hope you can match those words with actions." Suddenly, he spun and threw a bride that had come at him while his back was turned into a building. "Don't you know it's rude to attack from behind?" He chastized. A piercing shriek made Hannah turn around just in time to see another bride lunging at her. But before she could react, the bride's head was torn clean off. Hannah's mouth hung open for a moment. "B-Bee?" "I got tired of waiting," Beatrice replied sullenly. "I'm not sitting by any more." "Thanks," Hannah breathed, a smile now on her face. "Just one thing though, that one," She pointed to Hikari. "is mine."
OOC: Ruon, next time PM before you plan out something like this. I don't mind it this time, but I might next time. BIC: "Trust is earned, not given." Raven's words to Terra echoed in Robin's mind as he looked at Flint. He'd learned not to wholly trust someone upon first meeting. "Lead the way, Cyborg," Robin said, coming out of his thoughts. ------ Blonde hair fell over one sky-blue eye as the girl gave a moan. Every muscle in her body ached as though she hadn't moved for a year. When she opened her eyes, she shut them again instantly; the light was painful to eyes so long unused. Her throat was tight and dry, as she found when she tried to speak. As she grew more conscience, she reminded herself of all that she was. My name is Terra.... I was running... running from something... But... I made friends... The Teen Titans.... Argh... Th-they aren't my friends, though.... I don't need them. I have Slade.
Of course I want to! :D I was born a ninja! XD
Then let us go and recruit! >:3
I'm well. ^^ I've been working on an awesome US History project, so that's why I haven't been on much. I have to write the diary of a Civil War...
Is anyone going to post??
It happens sometimes, especially with so many characters.
Michael, who is now being written again, went to Hannah and whispered to her, "Be careful. One vampire alone may not be able to kill us, but too much venom from different vampires and we're done for. Don't let them bite you." "That would have been nice to know a hell of a lot earlier," Hannah lowly growled back. She looked to each of the surrounding brides, meeting some of their cold eyes. She put her hand in her jacket pocket and curled her fingers around the syringe. OOC: ...... e.o .... God scares me...
Yeah, we're goin' pretty quickly. So many characters, it's hard to keep track!
"We need to find who has the real chip. Cyborg, can you track it?" Robin asked, clearing taking charge. All the new persons showing up were starting to get on his nerves.
OOC: Yayz! I feel so special. xD
"Prepare for trouble!" Username: Garxena Name: Alaine Gender: Female Age: 15 Side: White Lotus Guardian: Celebi Team: Shinx [Sparks; male], Piplup [Bubbles; male], Eevee [Haruhi; female], Growlif [Raira; female], Poochyena [Jerith; male], Heracross [Tobias; male] Background: Alaine was born and grew up in Snowpoint City. When she was thrirteen, her family moved to Sandgem Town. She didn't mind the move; it was an adventure. Her family was in the business of Item Selling, but when Alaine saw Pokemon trainers, she instantly wanted a different future for herself. She studied and perpared; and on her fourteenth, she got her Piplup. Amazingly, over the next year, she proved to have a very deep connection with Pokemon. She received her eight gym badges within that year. Alaine never pushed her Pokemon further than their limits; they did it all for her. Most people she met were amazed by her connection with her team. That's when she learned of Palkia and Dialga. Stunned, she dropped her plans to challenge the Elite Four. She was soon after contacted to be given the opportunity to proctect Sinnoh. Gladly, she accepted; and was given Celebi. Her bond with her team is strong, as is her heart. Celebi saw that and has grown quite friendly with Alaine. Her famly and friends now refer to her as a prodigy. Alaine, however, does not approve of this. She sees herself as just another Trainer trying to protect her home town. Appearance: girl/kristenkoley/anime/animegirl.jpg?o=101 "Make it double!" (just 'cause I can, I'll finish it!) To protect the world from devistation. To unite all peoples within our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above. Jessie! James! Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light. Surrender now or prepare to fight. Meowth, that's right! lol Gotta love that mantra. xD
OOC: No need to get defensive, Aqua_Heart. I just made a mistake, that's all. I've heard Brother Blood referred to as just "Blood" before, so I assumed you were talking about him. How about we just type out usernames? That will eliminate some confusion.
OOC: Remember rule 15, Aqua_Heart. And you'll have to coordinate with Blood of the Rose for Slade stuff. Brother Blood is inprisoned at the moment, but (after the Terra Arc) he can break out.
Yep, that's Starfire alright.