Yeah... the recruiting isn't goin' so well... ><
It's really hard to pick just one! D: -Mickey Mouse -Peter Pan -Aladdin -Mulan -Pooh Bear Oh, I love them all! XD
I'll Try from Return to Neverland It had really good lyrics that truly brought across Jane's feelings. Great vocals, of course, added to the emotion of the song. It was a real building block for the oncoming events of the movies.
"Wait a minute," Terra objected, pulling her hand away from Red X's hold. With a dirty look to him, she continued, "If the Titans are there, then I want to stay and fight them. Take me back."
"Just tell me where she is and I can get your sister back," Ben piped in. His smile didn't quite reach his eyes though. He was worried something was wrong with his teleportation power. Picking up Tristan's thoughts, he added, "And I can tell you all about me later. I've got a super fun story, you know!" If looks could kill, Aidou's glare would have had Ben cold on the ground.
Aduial gently took hold of Ben's hand. "It's okay, you did what you could." Ben hopped into Aduial's arms, being held like a baby. "You must be the Prince!" He said to Tristan. "So that means... your sister is the Princess! Let me help find her; I love meeting princesses!" For a split second, Aidou was entertained by Ben's joyfulness. The summon was so childlike; Aidou wanted to see what he could do in a fight. Now he turned to Tristan, crossed one arm over his chest as a sign of great vampyric respect, and with regallity he spoke, "Prince Tristan, my name is Aidou Hanabusa and I am here, along with my companions, to aid you in any way we can. I've known the path my life would take for a long time, you are the Prince I am to serve in this war." Surprising Aduial, he bent his head, the closest thing to a bow the Vampire would perform. Aduial stared at Aidou. What's with his change of character? I've never seen him so respectful, except around his mother. Aidou's never told me anything of this before. Does this mean he's only done everything he's done because he believes it's his... fate? His destiny? What am I to him really?
Robin wasted no time in giving the commands, "Lead the way, Cyborg. Titans, go!" OOC: That's a good OC. Sounds more like a quack villian to me, but if you can prove him to be a full fledged villian, go for it. ^^
Aidou looked to Tristan. He didn't like how much the human smelled of blood, more than any other he'd come into contact with. He folded his arms and then looked to Aduial. She'd been awful quiet in all this. He didn't like the uncomfortable feeling eminating from the Cylian. She looked as though she felt out of place. One hand still on her bow and the other in a loose fist, her eyes were on Ben. "The northwest? Okay!" Ben stepped away from Nas and the others. He grinned brightly and said, "I'll be back in a little bit!" Then, with a loud pop! he was gone. "What happened? Where did Ben go?" Aduial asked hurriedly. She'd known the Summon for but only a day now and she'd already grown very attached. She was very worried by his disappearing act. "So he can teleport," Aidou murmured, mainly to himself. "It would have been helpful if he'd mentioned that fact before this time." "He just teleported?" Aduial looked to her traveling companion. "What if something happens to him? He doesn't know what could be there. Why did he just go?" "He's more powerful than you think, or than he lets on," Aidou replied sharply. "Stop worrying about him." Another loud pop! and Ben was back amidst the group. But he wasn't smiling anymore. "I'm sorry, Nassy. I got stuck. I can't get to where you need me to. I'm sorry." His lower lip trembled. Something was awfully wrong and he could feel it too, but he couldn't get there.
I'm sure she'd love it if I just walked into class and said, "Gimme mah extra credit! NOW! Rawr!"
OOC: I've got no idea what's going on, but I shall post anyway! :D Hey, PRINCESS, did Pezzypoo tell you the idea that I PMed to him?? BIC: "Nassy," Ben said quietly, though he had a smile on his face. "What can I do to help?" The look on her face... something's wrong. What can she sense that I can't? I don't smell death or blood -- besides what was here when we came. Aidou watched Nas's face, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Ben tilted his head at Aidou's thoughts. He didn't like hearing the grumpy vampire think to himself. But Ben knew that Aidou didn't yet know that Ben read thoughts or could teleport. It made him smile even more to think about how Aidou would react when he did find out.
OOC: I wiiiiiilll post on this. In time. ^^'
OOC: argh.. ><... I need a recap... T^T
I hope so! But I'm not sure if my teacher gives out extra credit or not.... I should demand it anyway! >D
.... I changed my mind. I want to replace you with a Heartless named Chester. =D
"Not now," Terra replied, sitting up now. She was still trying to sort out her thoughts.
I'm thankful for you as my best friend. =)
OOC: Oh, right! Sorry 'bout that. ^^' BIC: They're probably in their Tower, gloating over another victory. Beast Boy and Cyborg would be playing their video games, Robin would be training or in his dark room, Raven would be brooding in her room, and who knows what Starfire would be doing. Terra's thoughts turned from angry at the Titans to fond of memories. She shook her head. She was with Slade now; she didn't need those attachments anymore. "Just go," She addressed Demetrio. "I don't need watching over."
OOC: *fangirl squeal* The god of awesomeness has posted! =D BIC: "Yeah, she's got us all on a short leash," Speedy began. "There's trouble over there too, so that's why only us three were able to show up." He nodded to Mas and Menos. Robin figitted while Cyborg and Speedy chatted. They need to get to that chip now. For all they knew, Terra could be in serious trouble.
I'm not sure. I did more than required so I hope so. ^^
Oh yeah... Sammy got ditched by me, huh? ><