We just need David and William. Or I could do them for now if no one else wants to.
OOC: We wait for Angypoo until we decide. xD BIC: "We'll figure something out," Hannah mumbled. It was all she could think to say at the time. "Right now, we've got to hold off these damn brides before they kill anyone else."
I'm sorry to hear that. This site has a lot of people on it that care about you. Well, if you don't stick around, I'll miss you.
OOC: Christmas break!!! >D Yay!!!! BIC: Hannah stared at the shattered syringe. Dismay had struck her. How could they help Van Helsing now? The grusome sounds of Hikari and Edward's scrabble made her look up. She got to her feet and navigated around the corps' pieces. Softly, she called Edward's name. It made her insides knot up when she saw him like that. OOC: Poll time! Bee die now? Yez? Or noez?
"There's always the pull-out couch," Lucca reminded his sister. "It's not very comfortable, so I'll sleep on that. Grace or Sakura can take my bed." "Aw, you're so sweet, Lucca," Mia grinned. Her grin only widened when her brother shot her a deadly stare. She knew he didn't like to be seen as a softy, but she couldn't help teasing him about it.
Oh my goodness! How could I forget about rules?! D: I shall put them up right away!
Yeah, I shot her an e-mail. ^^ I can't wait to go back there! D:
Darn those drugs... Well, as long as you yelled, "Surprise!" I won't count it as rape. =D
Did you see the new album on my page? :D
Introduction/Background information: Children grow up; it's just part of how life flows. But there are many stories, wonderful tales, of a boy and his friends who never grew up. In London, near to a large clock tower, there were three houses. One of those houses belonged to the Darlings at one time. There were some folk who wondered why the Darlings' daughter, Wendy, had stayed in that house her whole life with her family, and then her daughter, Jane, had done the same thing. What was so special about that house that made them want no other? Jane's children, especially her daughter, Rebecca, often asked themselves this question. Rebecca was Jane's youngest child. She had an older brother, Thomas, but she was still lonely at home. Her neighbors and friends, William and David, were very close to her age and in the same year of schooling. They enjoyed playing games together. Their favorite thing to do was live out the adventurous stories that Wendy and Jane told to Rebecca. The three friends always argued over who was the villain, Captain Hook, and who was the young hero, Peter Pan. It almost always turned out that Rebecca was Peter and William was Hook. David, being more passive than the other two, was just happy to be a part of the adventure. At school, the three would talk of how amazing it would be if Neverland truly existed; Rebecca especially wished this. Her father had left their family, saying there was "too much nonsense in this house for anyone to live properly." But there was one thing he'd said to Rebecca that made her both upset and guilty. She'd been talking to Jane of her make-believe adventures; Thomas had left the room when the talk started. Her father had finally had enough of Rebecca's foolish talk and had told her to grow up. That was the night that Jane and her husband had fought and decided to separate. Rebecca had heard the whole thing. After that, she stopped playing with William and David. But each night, before she would crawl into bed, she would stand at the window and say, "I do believe in fairies, and I will always believe in you, Peter Pan." William and David thought she'd given up on being the fun-loving girl they knew so well. The boys continued their games. None knew that Rebecca was going to get the chance to see the reality behind the stories. Characters: Peter Pan- Garxena (tinker fairy)Tinker Bell- Garxena (it's necessary) (light fairy)Iredessa- (garden fairy)Rosseta- (water fairy)Silvermist-Friendly_Heartless (animal fairy)Fawn- Garxena (pixie dust keeper)Terence- Garxena (temp) (queen of Pixie Hollow)Queen Clarion- (fast-flying fairy)Vidia- (head Tinker fairy)Fairy Mary- Minister of Spring- Minister of Fall- (fox)Nibs- (hare)Slightly- Princess_of_hearts (raccoons)The Twins, Harry and Terry- (skunk)Tootles- Friendly_Heartless (white wolf?)Curly- (bear)Cubby- Captain James T. Hook- mrsbaggins Smee- Friendly_Heartless Alf Mason- Noodler- Starkin- Cookson- Bill Jukes- John Darling- Michael Darling- Wendy Moira Angela Darling- (Wendy's husband)Edward- Jane- (Jane's little brother)Danny- Rebecca- Princess_of_hearts Thomas- William- David- mrsbaggins Nana 3- Rules: 1) This is only partially based on Disney's 1953 version of Peter Pan. It's also based on the 2003 Australian-filmed Peter Pan. There will be some blood. 2) Let's try to keep it under or around PG-13. 3) I don't want this thread to have a lot of rules, so just use your head, AND USE PROPER GRAMMAR. Prologue: The young boy had watched her for nearly two months now. He felt as though he knew her inside and out, but it seemed there was more for him to learn. Girls always had secrets, didn’t they? He’d watched her play with her friends, watched how they’d turn a city street into a forest or lagoon, watched how the girl had so many times defeated “Captain Hook.” The boy took pride in how famous he’d become. He liked to see how the girl showed no fear in the face of danger. Though the most that danger ever was happened to be an oncoming car and the girl running in front of it with no warning. The boy always got a laugh out of the girl’s friends’ worried calls; he knew that she didn’t care. But one day, after the boy had come back from his home to watch the girl again, he found that she wasn’t playing anymore. She stayed in her room and read books or drew in her sketch book. The boy frowned upon this. What happened to the girl that ran in the streets and swung a wooden sword? He’d only been gone a few days. But the girl’s behavior didn’t change over the next few days. The boy then decided that if he was going to get any answers to the girl’s new set of mind, he’d have to ask her herself. So he waited for night to fall. He watched as another girl he knew, a woman now, tucked the girl and her brother into their beds and told them a story. The boy grinned when he heard the tale of his games with Hook. He very much enjoyed listening to stories, especially if they were about him. The time seemed to pass much quicker when he was enraptured in a story. It didn’t feel like very long before the woman got up, kissed the children goodnight, shut the light, and closed the door behind her. The boy’s grin turned to a frown when he looked to his small, glittering companion. He listened to her for a moment, and then turned his attention back to the girl through the window. She was now turning onto her side, snug under her covers and eyes already closed. A small gasp of disapproval left the boy’s mouth; her back was to the window! The boy had seen enough. This girl was growing up too fast and too suddenly. He wouldn’t let that pass as long as he could help it. A gentle request to her, along with some convincing, and the boy’s companion got the window open. Quietly as he could manage, he floated through the window and touched his feet to the ground in the middle of the room. He surveyed his surroundings with a smirk. This was the room where he’d finally caught his shadow for good. This was the room where he’d taught the sleeping girl’s grandmother and her two brothers how to fly. And this was the room where he would now give the sleeping girl the chance to experience what her mother and grandmother had. The boy was distracted from his thoughts by his tiny, glistening friend. She tugged his hair and spoke in his ear. “Shh, Tink,” the boy hushed. His voice was smooth and playful, the voice of a very adventurous boy. “I just want to find out what’s going on with her.” With no more objections from his friend, the boy tip-toed over to the bed of the sleeping girl; he looked over his shoulder to make sure that her brother was still sleeping. Convinced that he was, the boy turned his attention to the girl. He was still a bit unsure of what he was doing. So when the girl turned over in her bed and faced him, the boy shot up to the ceiling and stayed pressed there for a moment until he was sure the girl was still in her slumber. While his friend laughed at his cat-like reaction, the boy let out a relieved sigh. His eyes bowed to the floor and he saw his shadow. He stuck his tongue out at it and floated back down. Something the boy landed on squeaked. He quickly drew up his foot and searched for the source of the noise. He found a stuffed duck returning his gaze with glassy, black eyes. This boy’s friend sat on his shoulder and spoke to him in his ear. “Shh, Tink,” the boy repeated, more forcefully this time. “We don’t want to wake her up.” “You’ve done that already.” The boy started at the girl’s sleepy voice. He turned his attention to her and saw she was sitting up, rubbing her eyes. She’d only just woken and she sound like… a grown up. The boy’s friend made an especially rude noise to the girl, resulting in the boy grabbing her and holding her behind his back. “Don’t you know what time–” the girl’s sentence cut short when she became aware of who was standing in her room. She blinked and rubbed her eyes again to be sure she was awake. She’d dreamt of this boy before. “Peter Pan?” “The one and only,” the boy replied with pride, his hands on his hips. “Tinker Bell?” the girl had noticed the fairy fly onto the boy’s shoulder. The fairy stood up, turned around, and sat back down. “Don’t mind her,” Peter began. “She gets this way around other girls all the time.” “Not to be rude, but why are you here?” the girl asked. She was plainly curious and intrigued, as she was now sitting straight up and looked fully awake. “I wanted to ask you something,” Peter answered. He lightly jumped up and tucked his legs underneath himself. It looked as though he was sitting on the floor, but he was in midair. “What’s your name?” “Rebecca.” “What about him?” “That’s my older brother, Thomas.” “Why don’t you play with your friends anymore?” Peter waited with more interest for the answer to this question. The girl hesitated with that answer. It was still hard for her to believe that she was actually talking to Peter Pan at all. “Well, I have other things to do. I’m needed more for help and I’ve got my school work to focus on.” Peter’s mouth dropped open. Tinker Bell slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder at Rebecca. The boy shook his head both with sadness and disappointment. “Those things don’t sound fun at all,” he commented. He untucked his legs and flew, on his stomach, towards the girl. “Don’t you miss games?” He rested his chin on his palms as he spoke. The girl got off her bed and crossed to the other side of the room. She was uncomfortable with a strange boy in her room – one she only knew through stories – and she knew it was improper to be alone with a boy no matter how well they knew each other. She felt a soft wind brush her back. Peter had landed behind her. He couldn’t just leave now. She was upset, it was plain to see. Anyone who gave her a glance could tell that she didn’t want to grow up. Peter could see it in her eyes when he spoke of games that those games were what she truly loved, not books or school work. That had set his mind. “Come away with me,” he whispered, his mouth close to her ear. “Come away to Neverland.”
Darn it, the familiar feeling of immobility encased the girl. How am I supposed to get out of this with just my bare hands? I can't even move them! Okay... calm down. She took a deep breath and focused on every part of her that was touched by the Binding X. Her back was mostly free. If she could just slide her arms around to get them free.... Terra grit her teeth. Even attempting to move still caused her muscles pain. If she did get free of the X, she'd been too tired to fight with the Titans. "You've made your point," she resigned to Red X. "I'll stay here." ------ "Speed, Mas, Menos, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Flint," Robin addressed each of them individually. Raven and Starfire had gone back to the Tower in case anyone else attempted to break in. The boys were now closing in on the chip's signal. Robin had a nagging feeling that something big was about to happen, like they were closing in on someone more dangerous than they initially expected. "We need to watch each other's backs. Whoever stole the chip is no amature." The Boy Wonder felt a bit more comfortable when they all gave nods of acknowledgment. He'd already seen that iwas more than one person who'd taken the chip. There could be more of them in their hide out. He could only hope he had number on his side. Speedy, Mas, Menos, and Robin made up for agility. Beasty Boy was the unpredictability. And Cyborg, he was the brute force; Robin could aid in that catagory. Their team was good enough. But Robin still didn't know much about Flint.
OOC: Argh! I hate finals! D< They're soooooo annoying! BIC: "I can go there, I think," Ben began. "Do you want to come with me?" He asked the question to both Aduial and Tristan.
"It's best if we're not separated," Lucca said. "During the time Mia and I have been here, there hasn't been much trouble; but I don't know when something's going to happen." Mia squeezed Sakura and spun in a circle. "This'll be fun! All we need is a place for you to sleep." She set the smaller princess down.
Ew! Love burns us! D:
OOC: Words are good for your soul! XD BIC: "That's very funny," Lucca replied dryly. He unlocked the door with the sliding card, let it swing open, and motioned with an arc of his arm for the girl to go in. Mia was the first in. "This place really is cool. The bath tub is the best. It's huge!"
I don't know if I can really choose between the two. But if I had to it would be the second one. I really like Jessie. =D
I'm hoping that they'll just drop it. The first one was the only good one in my opinion.
Return to Neverland Beauty and the Beast
No competition. The Lion King takes the cake.... or the antelope. xD
OOC: I'd kill you first! >3 BIC: "Twenty-four," Mia answered Sakura happily. "My lucky number. I think that's why the room is so nice, but Lucca doesn't believe me."