OOC: I hope Hook is ready to be written! :D BIC: "Whatever happens," Peter looked to Tinker Bell and nodded. Then he continued to the other two, "Don't. Let. Go!" The world changed then. Blinding lights and strong wind enclosed around them all. David held on tighter to Peter's ankle. It was such a thrill, all the noises, speed, and lights. He found himself laughing away with Peter. The only things he could see through all the pink, orange, yellow, light blue, gold, silver, and green was the star growing closer and closer. Peter was the first to burst through the light, Tinker Bell along with him. The chain of kids was broken. Peter floated down to the water and, flying on his back and looking at David and Rebecca, he ran a hand through the water. He loved making tracks in the brine of the surface. In the distance, the island of Neverland could be seen.
I've got The Little Mermaid's soundtrack. =D
The Middle of the River. It might be on Youtube. It's super cute! And I think that's why they took it out. It doesn't fit the movie's mood or flow.
Cha! I got the rest of my Disney DVDs and now I'm going through them all! :D Did you know that they cut TWO songs from Pocahontas?? I thought it...
I should dig a grave, I guess.... *goes to get cookies*
*stares* That's cool. XD
Eeeee! My Peter Pan DVD has games you can play on it when you stick it in your computer! :D
Oh no! My dead dog is choking! D: Whatever shall I do?
"Take a hold of this," Peter said to David, after a short nod to Rebecca. His foot was right in David's face. The boy's grimace reminded him very much of John. So he told David what he had said to John, with much delight and mocking, side-ways smile, "Both hands." David reluctantly wrapped his hands around Peter's ankle. It was rather dirty, as were his feet and hands, and David didn't like the feeling of dirt between his fingers. "Pass it on," Peter continued over his shoulder. Tinker Bell stuck close to Peter, glancing only once back at David and Rebecca. She frowned at Rebecca. Maybe, if she was careful not to let Peter find out, she could get rid of Rebecca they way she'd tried with Wendy. Even the fairy hadn't forgotten about how much she disliked Wendy. "Rebecca, hold on to my ankle," David called back. He flet a bit of unwillingness at those words. After all, he was now barefoot too; but at least his feet were clean.
"Alright," Ben flopped to a sitting position on the ground, his legs crossed, hands in his lap. "Nassy, can I ask you something?"
I have a dead dog?! D: Awesome! :D
Meh, 'twas okay. =D
Not even close. I'm about a month behind. And I don't intend to watch for a while.
Zomg! I wish I had a hamster! :D
"Okay!" Ben grinned a wide smile, grabbed onto Aduial's and Nas's hands, and with a pop! the three of them were gone. Aduial felt emense pressure and ripping wind. She tried to draw breath, but found it impossible. Her eyes were open, but all she could see was the blinding whiteness around herself. Faintly, through the noise of the wind, she could hear Ben's laughter. What could be funny about this? She thought. Just when it felt as though her lungs would burst, everything stopped. It had all happened in a second or so. "Sorry, Master Addy," Ben began, using his newly invented nickname for Aduial. "I forgot to warn you that it's uncomfortable the first time. So," he turned to Nas, dragging out the word. "Where do you think we'll find this princess?"
O.O I don't want to be scared of this place! I'm on the computer too much to be scared of it! D:
It's my turn now! :D
I had myself a Disney marathon, watched the ball drop, and went to bed. I was TIRED. ><
Peter laughed, flying through the air with Tinker Bell right by his shoulder. He led Rebecca and David around roof tops and chimneys. Lights were still on in some windows that he passed by, but Peter didn't care very much if anyone saw him. In fact, he'd like it if someone did; more stories of him would be passed around! David's confidence began to build up. Following Peter's movements was practice enough for the time being. But after he lost his slippers on a spinning loop, he decided not to try any more loops.
Lol It was just the TV upstairs. Whew... ^^'