"Do you think it's a bad voice?" Ben asked, looking up to Nas. "Do you want to go back to him?"
How 'bout.... Oh noez! That was so horrible! I'm so depressed that I could wallow in my pity for a whole week until the next episode!
OOC: I luvz me some good ice cream. :D And you can always post as Hook! :D :D BIC: "He said to the voice that he would slit his own throat..." Ben leaned against Aduial. "Then the voice said that he knew things that your master didn't. I don't what kind of things, but it sounds important."
How's this? ...... OMG! DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED? That was soo cule!!!11!!!one!
....Teehee... you said emo. XD
"Not nice things," Ben picked a piece of grass and tore it up between his fingers. "It was scary...." Aduial knelt next to Ben and put her arm around his shoulder. "Did it only happen once?" Ben shook his head. "No... but it kept laughing at Tristan. Then he threatened to... well, I don't think I should say it."
I'm gonna go sit in a corner and die now....
It's not my fault! I've got a lot of theatre work to do. And relatives kept me too busy for my own good during the break. Vic understand about...
"Has your master always had that other voice in his head?" Ben asked, flutzing with the grass. He didn't feel right asking such a personal question so soon, but he was the one that had to listen to that other voice and he wanted to know if it was something he should pay attention to or not.
I have a feeling I've missed a lot of good episodes. =[
Aw, alright. Not sure when I'll be on again. See ya!
I know, right? It kinda sucks, but I've got some theatre stuff to do. My work is never done. ><
>D I was just waiting for you to slip up! I sentence you to two weeks banned from cookies!
Aha! I saw that! You didn't close the asterisk. xP
Okay. Then... more cookies! :D
Oh really? >>
Did you say something?
*looks at cookie plate*.... Something seems missing. Oh well. =D
I knew that would work! *gives you cookie*
Perhaps. >>