I'll hit her over the head with my millions of teddy bears if she doesn't post soon. >3
Doh! >< I need to make her watch all the movies over and over so that she can annalyze Hook's character. >D
Gah, it's that Facebook farming thingy. She LUVZ it.
Only you could make me laugh when you say that! XD What did Hannah say?
Wallow in a black hole of misery for all your days. I mean.... ^^'
"Cap'n," Smee knocked on the door the cabin of the captain of the Jolly Roger. He entered the cabin, knowing better than to wait for a reply. "Cap'n, the ice is melting and the snow is gone from the shore. Alf Mason reported a strange occurance in the clouds, they was moving fast and awkward, they was." OOC: Captain Hoooook? Where aaaaare you??
Text her then! XD Last I was up there, she had her phone right next to her.
Peter thought back to what had happened with Wendy and her brothers. Back then, they'd been split up. Of course, Peter didn't know what had happened to Michael, John, or Wendy; he'd gone and had fun distracting Hook from firing again. It had been a good match; he'd tricked Hook into shooting down his own mast. Even as he flew away, Hook had yelled after him that he would get revenge for what Peter had done. "Aw, he can't even seen us up here," Peter waved his hand dismissively.
She says that you can kiss her butt. O.o (And for some reason, I just had connection issues with this site.)
I shall go upstairs and bug her right now!
OOC: I noticed..... #@*%$! ..... >> ..... << .... That wasn't me....
It comes to me naturally. It's one of my 108 secret techniques! :D
I just lost the game. ><
Tinker Bell nodded at Rebecca and shook her fist in the air. She liked to torture Hook as much as Peter did. It was all a great game to the both of them. But neither knew if Hook took it seriously or not. "Ha! Yeah, he's always waiting around for me," Peter laughed, sitting on a cloud once they were close enough to the Jolly Roger. "But he's never won a round yet. I'll show you how it's done." David plopped onto the cloud, sitting next to Peter. "Can his cannons reach us this close?" "Probably," Peter shrugged. It didn't bother him one bit. Hook's cannon balls were slow and easy to avoid.
Teehee; I win!
Of course it is! :D It's DISNEY <3
"Right," Ben agreed reluctantly with a sigh. He wanted to see Nas happy, always. But he couldn't do anything to help her if her master had ordered her to do something. Just as with any of his other summon friends, or them for him. It was the only down side that Ben could see to being a summon.
*shrug* I'm a good waiter... sometimes.
Please and thank you! :D
"Up this way!" Peter called as he flew straight up. Even from this distance, one could see the ice cracking near shore and the frozen snow-ice melting on land. Peter wanted to get into the clouds. He wanted to sneak up on Hook. "I see it, Rebecca," David smiled. Flying was no problem now; David had nothing but happy thoughts. He flew upwards after Peter and Tinker Bell, looking back over his shoulder to make sure that Rebecca wouldn't fall behind. "And keep it quiet," Peter said, pushing a fluff of clouds out of his way. The outcoming sun's rays shone more freely now that those few clouds floated away. "We're going to sneak up on that old codfish."